
9 years, 2 days ago

Basic Info




range from 17-23 over the course of the story/Dec. 22

Physical Characteristics:

Tall, lean, good posture. His hair is naturally black but he dyes it blonde later.


Talented at piano, good at reading people, diligent, actually pretty self-aware


Self-absorbed, judgemental, poor self-control, bad decisions based on flawed reasoning


Piano, classical music, loitering


They are wealthy and own a family of luxury hotel chains. At the start of the story, his parents are separated. His mother is unempathetic and controlling and his father is distant. When they separate he chooses to go with his mother to their country home. Also the live-in maid and driver are like an aunt and uncle to him as well.


He has different manners for different situations. He had few opportunities to make friends growing up, so once he started going to school he developed a "cool guy" aloof manner which is his first line of defense against strangers. With people he doesn't trust, especially his mother, he can range from passive aggressive and sarcastic to openly hostile and insulting. He tends to get so worked up around her that this ugly side rears its head uncontrollably (he has a fear that he'll be tempted to exploit Daichi as a means to get under his mother's skin). He feels like for the greater part of his life, most of his relationships have been artifices. If you express any hint of genuine regard for him, he instantly feels drawn to you because he is very thirsty for something genuine in his life. When he's with Daichi, he is relaxed and somewhat of a clown, and very attentive and dedicated. He expresses his feelings best through physical contact. He's always had an avoidant personality and will push away unpleasant thoughts or possibilities, reacting by becoming very self-absorbed or absorbed in something (or someone) else. Daichi is the type of person he had been needing: grounded, unpretentious, and caring about him without any ridiculous expectations or strings attached.

He was homeschooled for most of his childhood, and then attended a carefully selected private school. After going to school, he grew rebellious against his mother, and acted out against her for many years. By the time the story starts he has nearly run out of steam. When his parents separate, he has to choose whether to stay with his hands-off, distant father and continue his materially comfortable but emotionally starved life, or go with his mother to a new place with the promise of a clean start if he agrees to her terms. They have an agreement that she'll allow Suzu to attend his last year of high school (he technically has tested out of it already at his previous school) and do what he pleases with it, if she gets to step back in for his college life.

mbti: ESFJ (putting this here so I don't forget it)