Dreamy Midnight Diamond



3 years, 1 month ago


Name: Dreamy Midnight Diamond

Nickname(s): Dreamy, My Queen, Your Majesty, Middy

Weapon: n/a

Pronouns: she/her

Romantic Orientation: bisexual demi-romantic

Gem Placement: between shoulders

History/Backstory: Dreamy is a bit of a different diamond, she actually goes to sleep! She has a set schedule for it and all of her court knows about it so they know when to be quiet around and in her palace. But she doesn't go to sleep for fun, when she sleeps she dreams and those dreams are predictions of the future that can either be good or bad. members of her court are free to sleep as well if they wish. she doesn't ask much from her court really, mostly that they just do their jobs and be quiet when she needs to sleep, but they are also free to fuse as long as it isn't forced and express themselves with arts if they so please.

Personality: calm, shy, tends to be a bit withdrawn, kind, polite, she can sometimes be sleepy if she misses her set time for her sleeping.

Skills/Powers: future vision (only when she sleeps) sleepy aura (makes gems and humans fall asleep, can be resisted by stronger beings) hovering (she can hover a few feet off the ground and slow her descent)