
2 years, 11 months ago



Name Civa
Gender male
Age 2.5 years
DoB March 18
Height 88cm
Pack Skydas
Role Gamma (Harvester)
Owner its_mithril
Designer its_mithril
Value $510
CSS Eggy


  • partridge (for eating or looking at)
  • quiet weather
  • Wylla


  • insincerity
  • whiny/melodramatic acts for pity
  • fish scales


Civa on a good day is hardworking and motivated. On a bad day he’s caustic and wishes to be left alone. He tells himself that his only reason for being here is to take care of his mother, who seems to be growing weaker in constitution. Secretly, he thinks that he can build a place for himself in Skydas, where his mom can relax and he can let go of the burdens of being a bastard child. Has a resting bitch face, is a momma’s boy.

Civa keeps his emotions as still as the frosted lake during the wintertime, although it doesn’t necessarily translate to him being emotionally stunted. The dark male feels his emotions deeply; joy is more joyous, responsibility weighs twice as heavy, and betrayal cuts deeper than mortal wounds but maybe… it’s better to keep those close to himself rather than expressing it openly. He lives his day to day with a rigid and structured scale of justice, although, it is hard to apply that scale to close ones. Civa isn’t one to blindly follow, but bias is still able to influence his own findings.

He’s a detail-oriented wolf, often paying attention to small things that he once took for granted. However, while Civa harbours no negative intent, it is incredibly hard to approach him. He often wears an embittered expression, and frequently brushes others off with claims of lacking time for them. This often overshadows the fact that Civa is strictly dutiful to family and packmates.

The dark wolf has a dry, cynical sense of humour, and he’s aware that it doesn’t appeal to everyone, Civa usually refrains from making jokes unless it is with close friends. Painfully honest at certain points, he doesn’t seem to pull his punches. It comes from childhood, Civa despises deceit and deeply resents those who seem to wear a new mask for every group of wolves. Perhaps the things he fears the most are from those closest to him, afterall, the best made plans are the ones laid early, right?




broken crown

He was born to the grassy moors of the newfound Tundes, to a single mother named after the pale violets that dotted the landscape. Saviin’ka had been secretive of her poor constitution, and even more secretive of her personal affairs. She had left the healers speculating about the father of her children for the entire duration that she carried them, and she hid them away from the public eye when it came time for their entrance to the world.

Civa was born one of two brothers, alone with just Mother there to clean him up and care for him. From the moment they were born, it had sealed Saviin’ka’s fate. There could be no more hiding in secrecy.


Talks and whispers circled through the Tundes pack. A well respected Einar of Hadrian’s status wouldn’t take a mistress when his own mate was nursing their own children? The lone survivor of Saviin’s litter rarely saw him, much less understanding Hadrian to be his father in his early weeks. Hadrian made an attempt at familiarity though, and from what the young boy could understand, it seemed that he did love his mother at one point.

During the days, Hadrian would take him to play with the other pups. There were 5 of them, just a few weeks older than he was. The similarities in appearance did not go unnoticed by them, and for a while, it felt like they were a pack of siblings. It was during this time that the dark pup had met a few more friends along with the other 5. Colton and his sister were pleasant enough to be around with, and Toril was charismatic and charming to an extent. Playing with them filled his heart with a childish levity, although Hadrian's mate had always taken a dismissive stance on the dark pup.

He is Saviin’ka’s son too. Have you seen her miserable constitution?

For all that Civa enjoyed in childhood, Edis seemed to believe that the child would succumb to death soon, if not inherit the pitiful health that his mother had. As he grew older and taller, whatever assumptions Edis had about him dying off to the seasonal turning of the island, or of Hadrian ultimately giving up and forgetting about his bastard son seemed to dwindle and die. Hadrian also became increasingly adamant on his other son joining his family more permanently.

It started with sleepovers now and then, and Civa’s half-siblings had grown emboldened and… rather bitter with his existence. Perhaps Edis had been feeding them jealous lies, perhaps they were truly jealous.

You know your father should really be spending time with you, not the son of that rat.

They called him a half-rat. He didn’t understand what that meant until one of them taunted him to run back to his rat mother.

Civa never felt a reason to be angry. But that, that infuriated him.

He tackled the first sibling he saw, fangs just starting to become sharp with use. Of course, it was foolish to take on 5 similarly sized wolflings himself, and it quickly became a biting mass of black fur and rippling snarls. He sustained a long gash on the inner crook of his right elbow before Hadrian returned from his duties as Einar and broke up the fight. Civa was taken to see a healer for the bleeding wound on his leg.

He had never seen Mother cry so much before. Nearly as tall as him, Saviin still cradled her only child as close as she could and cried, and apologized, and cried some more.

run forever

The night he returned from the healer’s den was the same night the impending reality broke. Hadrian had approached Mother that night, a stern look in his eyes and a brisk manner of speaking. He couldn’t hear them at first, but it was clear that whatever they were talking about, they were arguing.

"You're holding him back, Saviin, he'll have a better future with me."

All the times that Hadrian had come to his defense, treated him like he was his own son - which, for all he knew, was true - Hadrian had even invited the dark pup into his family, welcoming with open hearts. Or partially open hearts. His friends had eventually figured out the growing expanse between the large family, at least, Colton’s sister did. Colton and Toril were quick to pick up on it after that.

Hadrian came to collect him one day, but his blood father’s friendly, close-eyed smile only fueled his ire. How could a wolf let his children call his mother a rat and then blatantly suggest that her care wasn't adequate? Whatever Hadrian had taught them - if he taught them at all - it surely wasn’t respect. Civa turned his back to the older male, spitting on his family line.

If Hadrian had been angry, there was seldom time to show it. Only a few more weeks passed until Colton discovered the limp body of Osiris floating in Melusine. Time seemed to blur past after that. Mother had grown increasingly sick in the days leading up to the split, and with Colton and Toril, he followed them to Skydas with his mother. Hadrian and Edis left for Stonehaven with Yetta.

Civa did his best to care for Mother when the water had been sullied and tainted with poison. She had been one of the first to drink the water running off from the Magellan and had been slow to recover. It was a stroke of luck that pulled her through the fall and the following winter. But yet again, by spring, death had struck once more.


  • Is a bastard child
  • Originally the child of my two OCs: Etamine and Marrok
  • Now in SVA universe, he's the child of Saviin'ka and Hadrian
  • He thinks fish are dumb, but Wylla seems to say otherwise
  • Scales are gross, y'know
  • Doesn't quite like frogs
  • Expecially if the frog is named Frank





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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.