


3 years, 15 days ago


empty head, open heart


NAME Hrloe

AGE 23


JOB Farmer

BIRTHDAY Winter 26th



FARM NAME Smiley Face Farm




Hrloe is an impulsive and confident person, who tries not to let life get the best of her. She's quick witted, and goes with what she's feeling, but she's also a huge overthinker. It's as if there were two wolves inside of her, both with immense levels of social anxiety.


  • The tips of her bangs and her side fringe have highlights in them!
  • She's always wearing the Sailor's Hat.
  • Mostly wears blue, and if not blue then she will be wearing stripes.
  • Has dark blue nail polish! It's always chipped due to farmwork.


  • She has a stapler collection.
  • Had a spring fling with Leah.
  • Was based off of me, hence her design and name, but ended up pretty different due to having rushed her design in the character creator to get the save file started faster.
  • Pea is owned by my bestie squidboyfriendd!


Hrloe is an interesting person. But she's also not. She's pretty simple at first, she was quiet but not too quiet, she had an office job, a best friend, had things she liked, etc. etc. But as you get to know her you find that her interests are obsessions, she will not stop talking if you let her (but will feel bad for it), and she will do whatever she wants. She is the outgoing and overt farmer of the duo. Hrloe can be a bit overbearing and too optimistic, but ultimately has a good heart and the best intentions, just trying to do what she can for everyone she loves.


"Dude, you are now, like, my favorite person ever!"
  • Stapler
  • Aquamarine
  • Peach
  • Blackberry Cobbler


"For me? Aww, thanks so much!"
  • Fiddlehead Fern
  • Cactus Fruit
  • Blueberry
  • Coconut


"! ... Thanks!"
  • Stone
  • Geode
  • Bat Wing
  • Fire Quartz


"Uh...ya know what, I'm good!"
  • Crab Pot
  • Void Mayonaise
  • Slime
  • Melon


Hrloe and Pea met in elementary school and they've been friends ever since. However, Hrloe moved away in middle school, but they reconnected after high school, when they ended up working at the same office job: JojaMart.

Hrloe and Pea desperately hated their jobs at JojaMart and actively felt the life draining out of them every second they had to work there. The only thing keeping them around was each other, and one day Hrloe found an old letter from her Grandpapa. It told her that if her life was in shambles, she should head to a farm in Stardew Valley. His farm, now hers. So, Hrloe and Pea had had enough of Joja and they packed their bags for Smiley Face Farm.


Hrloe moved onto a farm in Stardew Valley with her best friend/roommate, Pea. Neither of them knew anything about farming, but life already sucked, so why not suck at something new?

Overtime, they got to meet the locals and make friends, lovers, and enemies. They began to learn how to farm, even better than the local farmer, Pierre. Hrloe started fishing and mining, both of which Pea took zero part in because...I don't know, they were gross. They even fixed up the old Community Center, which was falling apart, and they ran JojaMart out of town. It's been hard, and weird, and...very confusing, yet they can both finally call this town home.

Hrloe's best friend for life and roommate. Pea knows everything about Hrloe, every secret, every dumb boy crush, every bad joke, all of it. They bicker, and sometimes they're both annoying, but they wouldn't trade each other for the world.

Hrloe's emo husband! She fell for him the second she saw him, as she wasn't expecting to find a hot emo boy in the middle of the country. Yet there he was, and after many hours of mining to find frozen tears to give him, he was hers.

Penny is Pea's wife, but Hrloe and her are good friends! In the early days of Penny and Pea's relationship, Hrloe loved to blab about all the embarssing stuff Pea did, and Penny would eat it up. Penny is the only one that still laughs at Hrloe's bad puns.

Not bad for not being farmers!

Pickle Jar Rag (Haley's Theme)

code by icecreampizzer