


6 years, 10 months ago


I love her sm~♡♡

Up in a castle in a not so distant land was a very beautiful girl. She had rose colored locks and a smile so pure it would drive criminals to be caretakers. With her fuscia eyes and heart of pure gold, she was a girl everyone could look up to. If you were poor she'd give you money. Cold she'd give you blankets and warm place to sleep. She never could say no to someone in need. If you asked her for assistance, her soft pink lips would morph into a kind smile and assure you she could help. Despite what the townspeople had heard and seen, this was not the way she acted when alone. Sometimes she would lock herself in an isolated room in which only she held the key. She'd look out at all her people with pity, letting her doe-like eyes weep tears of hopelessness. She'd help others, but be taken for granted time after time by the greedy and awful people. She knew this. But alas, she'd go out of the castle and find another one of the broken. She would give them a warm, comforting smile. And they would smile back. In her worst dreams, she could see those awful smiles of the untruthful turn into cheshire grins, taunting her. Tonight was one of those nights. Becoming restless, she grabbed a dark cloak to throw over her clothes and headed out the doors into the rain-soaked cobblestone town. 

Once the boisterous town had awoke from its peaceful slumber, the news had hit like an arrow to the heart. The princess that had done so much had gone. The guards had opened the door to find not a trace of the kind girl who had helped the citizens of the small town. Everyone had checkedtheir homes and shops with no signs of the beautiful girl. Eventually, a cash reward was offered, drawing people from all corners of the world to help find her. A band of misfits heard tale of the missing heiress and was quick to set out on a path to the forrest. They needed the money for household necessities and was quick to jump on the offer, as it was a near million dollar reward for her safe return. 

The group had been walking for hours through the woods before coming across a small river. A tall brunette stood by as his friends had stopped in the summer sun to have their noon meal, a slightly stale peice of bread and leftover lamb from the shop they'd stolen from. The brunette peered into the rippling water that had seemed like stars had been glowing in it. As he squatted down to get a better look, a feminine hand grabbed his wrist and yanked him in. As if an instinct, he held his breath and squeezed his eyes shut. A small giggle broke him from that as his eyes shot open and he began to breathe heavily. He looked at his surroundings. The sky had looked like the northern lights and they met softly with the snowy terrain. Then he'd made eye contact with a pair of fuscia orbs and a joyous smile. Even though she looked happier than on the paper, he knew it was her. "My lady."