Abbreviated Aesthetic [F2U]



2 years, 11 months ago


Abbreviated Aesthetic


Price Free
Mobile Yes
Premium No

A really small and simple page designed for characters with a very small amount of content. Works nicely on mobile, and uses HTML only, no CSS, so non-premium users can use it.
Includes: A set of four aesthetic images, a reference image that auto adjusts to size, a box for information with a title/name, columns of info, a paragraph, and color palette.

The example preview here uses my fursona Rimu.


  • 5/13/21:
    The second of a set of four codes I'm probably going to be releasing over the next few days. I thing among them this one is one of my favorites simple because its very simple and cute.
    Anyways, sorry about the wait. This has been ready to post for like a while I'm just bad at keeping up with the time and haven't been posting.

Terms Of Use

  1. Do not remove the credit from the code. You can move it around to a different location, but keep it visible and do not remove it completely.
  2. Feel free to Frankenstein my code into others' codes so long as they're okay with it too. Make sure to credit me, and follow the other person's credit rules as well.
  3. Please have some knowledge of how HTML works. I'm happy to help if there are any bugs, or something breaks, but I will not edit the whole thing for you if you don't know HTML. If you need help installing it, follow these instructions.
  4. By using my code, you agree to these terms.
  5. This is less of a rule and more of an option, but if you like this code, please give it a favorite. It lets me know what types of code I should make more of.
  6. This is also optional, but I'd love to see what people make! Comment a link if you're okay with showing it off to me.

Live Preview

Character Name

Name Content
Alias Content
Prns. Content
Species Content
Sin Content
Virtue Content

Write a short paragraph about your character in this box. The box will grow with size with no limit. The minimum size is 500 pixels. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse hendrerit pharetra erat, nec gravida mi efficitur eget. Sed vel mollis enim, quis elementum quam. Donec felis arcu, lobortis a vestibulum at, dapibus in orci. Nullam rutrum dapibus dolor quis cursus. Vestibulum molestie libero est, et viverra ligula laoreet in. Sed pulvinar justo odio. Fusce sollicitudin, ante id dapibus vestibulum, massa eros ornare tortor, in dictum mi velit at odio.