


6 years, 11 months ago


★ Nokosi ★

Timid ☆ Jumpy ☆ Sweet

"Oh goodness..."


Name || The Small Bear Who Roars
Alias || Nokosi
Gender || Male
Age || 18 years
Sign || Cancer
Ethnicity || Native American
Orientation || Bisexual Biromantic
Occupation || Hunter
Status || sleeping with the wolves
Theme || theme song

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☆ About

“When I first saw the readoption page for this kalon I knew I just had to try out, but it took a while for me to decide on the perfect character for him. Once I did, I do not regret the character that I have given him.” -Goooodra

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☆ Personality

Nokosi isn't the bravest kalon, he's actually quite the opposite, so his wolf companions make his whole tribe impressed. He is jumpy and isn't quick to stand in for anything, but that doesn't mean he isn't sweet. Nokosi always finds time for his tribe and his wolf pack, and he is able to continue to keep all of his relationships strong. Even though he would never do anything rash, he is always willing to help anyone in need, whether it's a tiny woodland creature, or it is to help the entire tribe.

★ Wolves
★ The Outdoors
★ Snow

☆ Violence
☆ Rain
☆ The Dark

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☆ Story Summary

Nokosi was born in a tribe in a secret location in the north, where they live in constant fear of the wolves. For generations, Nokosi's tribe has been hunted by the wolves who live in the dark caverns not to far away from their camp. Why don't they just leave? Well it's because they can't. A curse has been made on the tribe, so they have to stay right where they are for the rest of the tribe's days, so they can never escape the wolves. The tribe elder has taught how to fight back against the wolves so they can survive, though every year one or two tribe members are taken by the wolves. There aren't enough deer in the forest for both families.

Nokosi has been taught to fear and fight the wolves ever since he learned to hunt, but Nokosi seemed to know better than his tribe to attack such innocent creatures. Just like his tribe, the wolves wanted o survive with their family as well, and deer is what they all ate, so of course they were going to get food at every chance they got. Nokosi couldn't try to convince the tribe, because it simply would tag him as a traitor, so he has to keep them a secret. Before Nokosi leaves to make his own tribe elsewhere, he will have to find a way to convince his tribe that the wolves are just like them in their own way.

When he was ten years old, Nokosi was out at hunting lessons with a small part of his tribe. Suddenly, a blizzard swept through the woods, and Nokosi got seperated. He couldn't even see his own front paws, and that did something horrible. He fell through a crack in the ground and into a dark cavern. It was cold and wet, and most certainly dark. He was down there for hours, his leg stuck under a boulder that he couldn't move. Then two large timber wolves showed up, looking for food. They found him and started to nip and claw at him. Nokosi was trying to protect himself by trying to growl back, but it made the couple angrier. He thought he was going to die, until he did one final wolf howl, and it seemed to have saved him. The wolves sat with him and sniffed at him for a long time after. He ended up smelling like family instead of food. Eventually, Nokosi convinced them to move the boulder from his leg, though it had given him a slight limp ever since that day, Nokosi learned to live with that burden. The wolf alphas led him to their pack of three other wolves. They hated him at first, but they soon learned that he was just like them. He stayed and helped the wolf pack for several years until he was sixteen. He decided that it was finally time to go back to his tribe, though he could never just leave the wolves since he loved them so much, so he made a pact with the pack. Every six months, he would visit the wolves and pretend to go missing from his tribe, and he would keep the pack a secret, since wolves were the sworn enemy of the tribe.

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☆ The First Encounter

4088687_BGLGFgB675QYEY3.png I do not know how long it actually has been since I fell down here. Minutes? Hours? Days? It was freezing, and I felt like my body was turning into ice. I couldn't actually see much except the ever so slight glow of the glowworms in the distance. I wanted to go to them. My body yearned to move, but I couldn't find the strength. The pain was too great for me to think about moving at all. I tried to get up with the last amount of energy I had, but I felt... weighed down by something. I turned and noticed something that felt like a large boulder. I tried to move again, but the boulder seemed to be the thing that was weighing me down. I pulled and pulled, but I didn't move another inch. Was I trapped?

I felt that it was getting a little harder to breathe as I struggled, so I decided to stop. I squinted my eyes to try my best to make out my surroundings. I didn't see much, but I could definitely hear. It was all silence... for a really long time.

Suddenly, I heard a low growl coming from my left side. I heard another growl coming from my right. I squinted my eyes and made out the figures. They were wolves. Two large timber wolves... and they sounded very hungry. The looked hungry as well since their muscles seemed to be more defined, though I could also see their bones. Their breath was visible because of the cold, and they both huffed and licked their chops.

I felt like it was time to accept my fate, but then I remembered what the tribe elder told me when I was young. "If a wolf threatens to take your life, then threaten to take theirs." she would say. "Be the bigger wolf."

As best as I could, I bared my regular kalon teeth and was able to make a weak growl. It didn't work though, since their growls turned into snarles and howls. I tried again, louder, though it wasn't much, and it made them angrier. I assumed that this was the breeding pair, or the alphas, and they weren't saying no to no one. One male and one female, looking for food for their pups. I guessed that I was that food, but I wasn't going to take that for an answer either.

I growled and howled as fircely as I could, but I was outclassed and outnumbered. I couldn't see much, but I felt nips and growls on my neck. They got me.

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