
2 years, 11 months ago


I was lost in a forest

Name Alton
Age Adult
Gender Female
Sexuality Pansexual
Pronouns She / It
Race Earth Wyrm

But now i'm a believer
  • Has kangaroo pouch on stomach, not always drawn
  • ask before doing nsfw
  • no eyes!

A solitary wanderer of the red wastes, Alton searched for abandoned spaceships to strip for scrap for resale. Shes slow to trust, but loyal to fault to those who have earned her favor. While she is not a magician herself, she tends to view them in a more favorable light than most due to being adopted and raised by a clan of them.


solitary social
observent dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

You'd be my master

Alton is completely blind, lacking eyes from birth. While she cannot see in a tradional sense, an innate magical ability allows her to disern the auras of creatures and various magically charaged objects around her.

She can get overwhelmed or blinded when around many magic users, or a particularly powerful magician.

Using the ability to sense objects charged by magic, she was able to hone in on scrap ships out in the wastes that had residual energy attached to them.


Abandoned as an egg, Alton was raised by a pack of wandering magican scrappers out in the wastes with no idea of her true orgins.

All was well until a rival gang outed their group as magic users, pinning recent incidents on them and causing a bounty to be placed on their collective heads. A trap was set, Alton was barely spared by the pleading of her mother, insisting that the wyrm was not a magician herself and had only been adopted into the group. Now without her family and having been so easily turned on by those around her for petty revenge, she wanders alone, doing what she must to survive.


  • Named after the themepark Alton Towers

And i'll be your fever
Aesthetic neon
Alignment chaotic neutral
Sin Wrath
Virtue Charity

Designer Twin
Obtained May 5, 2021
Status NFS
Value 50$


One paragraph would look best but you can go wild!

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