Marlowe Peyton



6 years, 11 months ago


Name Marlowe Peyton
Nickname[s] Marmar, Mar, Mars Bar
Age 25 y/o
Gender Trans Female [She/Her]
Height 6'1" [185.42 cm]
Build Lean; slight muscle
Occupation Third Row Saints Boss
Species Human
Nationality Vietnamese
Orientation Pansexual Panromantic
Alignment Chaotic Neutral

motorcycles, driving at night, heights, skydiving, thigh-high boots
morningstars, luchadores, being underestimated, slurs, dancing & singing, animals

Voiceclaim Rizzo [Grease]


marlowe spent the first few years of her life in an orphanage after her birthparents disowned her. she was born without a last name, her parents slapping "maxwell" onto her birth certificate without thinking too much about it. she had finally been adopted on her fifth birthday, and for a while, she loved her life. she loved her new parents, she loved her safety, but something still hadn't felt... right. during her days of middle school and early high school, marlowe was struggling with identity. she loved clothes shopping with her mom and trying on her clothes whenever she was home alone. as soon as she confessed this to her mother, she was shunned and was threatened to get kicked out.

instead of necessarily panicking about this feat, marlowe grew more pissed off than anything, and decided to flat out leave as soon as she graduated high school. the day she got her high school diploma was the day she packed up her things and left with her high school best friend. the two shared an apartment together, making money off of freelance photography, which earned marlowe a modeling gig for kaneda cycles for a while. she then became their first transgender motorcycle model, and after her contract had filled up, she decided to hit the streets and became a pole dancer for some extra cash in order to afford a healthy transition.

marlowe joined the saints after an ambush at her club between saints and morningstars, and by joining said gang she underwent bottom surgery and is currently on hormone therapy. she is currently unsure of when she wants to go through with her top surgery, and she still unfortunately struggles with gender dysphoria.


  • marlowe gets along best with oleg, and has a preference to team up with him during operations.
  • she hoards motorcycles, and her favourite is her white kaneda that was given to her shortly before her contract ran dry.
  • her favourite movie is grease. [she knows all the songs by heart and knows how to hand jive]
  • mar's natural hair colour is a rich strawberry blonde!

Design Notes

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