Corvolus Karion's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

next_lvl Global Rules

✧ Trading, gifting and reselling is okay, please let me know the new owner.

✧ Resell only for the price you've initially paid.

✧ Co-ownership/sharing the adopt is okay.

✧ Minor changes, extra outfits and other changes to the adopt design are okay, as long as it's made on a new artwork.

✧ Don't heavily edit or paint over my original artwork. Allowed edits are only crops and resizes.

✧  I hold the intellectual right for the adoptable design and artwork.  Don't repost my original adopt artwork on social network sites (DA, FA,  pixiv, tumblr, twitter, instagram, etc). You're allowed to repost it on  Toyhouse and similar character-profile sites (credit is required).

✧  My designs are for personal, non-profit use only: roleplay, own story,  DnD-type games, such on. You are forbidden to use it for any financial  profit. You can't sell merchandise based off my designs (any product  that people pay for).

✧ If you want a character for mass  distribution (prints, comics, games, site mascot, etc), please contact  me BEFORE bidding on an adopt.

✧ Once you've received the fullsize adopt picture(s) from me, you're responsible for its storage and safety.