Soulless (REF TBA)



6 years, 11 months ago


* female (she/her)
* 29 years old
* cat-like monster with some bird traits
* real name is caroline rose
* goes by soulless with pretty much everyone. only goes by rose if you don't want to call her soulless. only death calls her carolina

* SOUL is half-white, half-purple -- not sure why this is yet or what the traits are

* dating death and loves her very very much, even though she can be. well. Yknow (shes basically the impulse control of the two)
* cares for lost like a daughter and probably treats her somewhat that way (lost is okay w this)

* can be a bit skittish, especially in new scenarios / conversations
* get past that though and shes a sweetheart through and through
* tries to keep death from swearing as much as she does but even she knows she cant help it
* just kinda wants the best for everyone
* honestly she has lowkey big sister/mom energies just In General

* probably gets along best with toriel and potentially muffet
* would've loved asriel if he were around (and if she were around when he was, then she absolutely did)