


3 years, 20 days ago


Parasite cannibal sugar addict 

Name: Ditto

Age: 20 (looks like a kid tho) 

Hight: 4'11

Pronouns: he/him

Okay so for backstory:

Fucker was born into a rich family and his dad was a sugar addict. At some point the dad had relations to a fellow sugar addict and now had 2 kids- one from his wife another from sugar lady. He kept them for awhile untill the scandal was found out and cus the dad kinda sucks he tried to ditch the infidelity baby to save face, but ended up abandoning the other baby instead. 

So this kit now left to survive. Wanders into a cave and a parasite infects him but also because Ditto is so younge and impressionable they become friends really quick, and end up synchronizing personalities rapidly once they found their way back home. (the dad at this point was put under even more fire for obvious reasons so when Ditto came back he didn't try to kick him out AGAIN) 

Ditto now works as a sugar seeker And always snags some out of this world sugar for both himself and his siblings drug peddling business. (and mabey kills then eats a few of his co-workers from time to time cus we all know what unrefined sugar does to a motherfucker) 

(Story always subject to change but this is just a rough outline) 

Other shit that I can't bother to write into the backstory part of the bio:

-Hes stuck looking like the age he became a parasite 

-Runs off of zombie logic- only way to kill them is to shoot the brain or else his parasite will heal his wounds instantly 

-Despite LOOKING like a child he still acts like an adult so catch this cat making adult jokes and cussing like a sailor (most definitely overcompensating)

-likes clothes and cute things! Even better if it's cute clothing 

- some how very rarely do people catch on that's he's bat shit crazy some say it's just dumb luck other say its due to his high charisma though most likely it's both