Easel Evido



6 years, 11 months ago


He's 4'3 but somehow manages to channel all of the ferocious energy of a volcano into his little body. Easel's a gun-toting, highly intelligent alien kingpin with an unhealthy obsession in anything that can make him tremendous amounts of money.

If it wasn't for his dangerously imperfect state of mind Easel could very well rule the west side of the nearest sun, that and the band of smugglers that's constantly on the end of his tail.  However constant chaos and futuristic gun fights doesn't stop him from traveling from the edges of the galaxy back again, and if that's taught him anything it's this; you really can't trust a damn thing.  Usually with a smirk in his eyes that suggests he's a man always on the edge of something, and wielding an empty smile like a scythe, Easel has learned to clean up all sorts of unholy messes with the aid of his devoted best friend and bodyguard, Dilly Jelani.

But hey, maybe there's a heart of gold in there somewhere?  Probably not.

Worth: $110