


3 years, 4 months ago


 Species Veilhound

 Age 22

 Height/Weight 5'2"|157.5 cm / 132 lb|60 kg

 sex/gender Male/Male

 Pronouns used He|Him

 romantic and sexual orientation Polyamorous Bisexual

 occupation Scuba Diver

 Affiliations None

 Relationship Status Single

 Significant other None


Caspian is a hot-headed and foul-mouthed individual. He curses a lot, only ever calm and peaceful when he happens to be working out or scuba diving. Suffering from anger issues since he was young, he became rather even with the fact that not many people will like him. Regardless, he has managed to upkeep a very small circle of friends with similar interests and hobbies.

He is very stubborn and surprisingly lazy, not moving a finger if he doesn't have to. Asking him for extra work is like asking him to perform a miracle and unless it's absolutely necessary, he just isn't going to do it. He doesn't go too far for an insult or showing the finger to his superiors and he only ever kept his job thanks to his boss being tolerant towards him.

He has a soft spot for little children, way more accepting towards them. He loves to teach them how to dive or do any kind of other sport and even likes to play around with them. He's also a surprisingly good listener and loves listening to people rave about their interests.


Caspian grew up in a loving family, although he was always a little bit distant. Especially with his mother, who blamed herself for his anger issues, and his younger sister, who was scared of him. His father found his drive towards nature very early on, noticing how much it calmed the boy and he also guided him towards sports which got rid of the boy's excesive energy levels. After his father passed due to illness, this support was over-taken by Caspian's older brother, who's possibly the only one from his family he ever really grew close with.

Kids in school avoided him in order to not get beaten or cursed out, very few actually bothering to make any kind of connection with Caspian. He only ever found friends from high school on where he started to meet other people interested in the ocean as much as he was. During university, he met Karrinis, who happens to also be his current boss and one he's possibly the closest with.

Caspian has admitted to even pursuing a relationship with Karrinis before, however Karrinis turned him down and they agreed to stay friends.








Other Information

 Mental Health Anxiety

 Physical Health Healthy

 Dominant Hand Ambidextrous

 Weapon Of Choice None

 Magical Powers/Attunement Water and weather related magic (very weak)

  • The ocean and its depths
  • Dolphins
  • Sharks
  • Coral Reefs
  • Legends

  • Storms
  • Amateur Divers
  • Owls
  • Alcohol
  • Karens

  • Diving
  • Cycling
  • Athletics
  • Listening to music
  • Cross-stitching

 food Salted Meat

 drink Orange Juice

 color Baby Blue

 snacks Pineapple slices

 animal Whales

 weather Sunny

 music Pop, Rock, Electronic, Dubstep, Electro Swing
 Friends, superior at work

Karrinis and Caspian met in a marine biology course at university after Karrinis approached him about homework from a lesson she was missing on. They were a bit awkward with each other at first but later found topics to talk about together. Caspian grew infatuated with her over the course of a few months when they started talking and asked her out at one point, only to be politely turned down and informed that Karrinis is, in fact, asexual and not pursuing any kind of relationship. They stayed friends regardless and soon after uni, Karrinis started her own place where she offered jobs to scuba divers, something Caspian happily took a chance at.




  • Has Torrentfire, which acts in a way similar to water. It gives off very soft, warm light.
  • His eyes glow softly in the dark.
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