Alston Virmeer



2 years, 11 months ago


Alston Virmeer

Council Knight (Assistant Council Medic)

I would greatly appreciate it if the Council members collectively decided to stop injuring themselves, but then again I would also greatly appreciate it if they would get along, and neither of those things are going to happen, unfortunately.

A youth with an extraordinary talent thrust into the highest position he could possibly occupy, Alston is just trying to make it through life day by day, although the general stress of Council life makes that goal difficult.

full name

Alston Virmeer


Medic Virmeer










Winter Solstice



place of origin



Knight of the Council


  • He embroiders his clothes himself and will also do so for other Council Knights.
  • Alston uses glasses to read and write.
  • He speaks Common, Orcish, Elvish, Dwarvish, Gnomish, and bits of Draconic and Sylvan.
  • He wears extra bandages around his arm as force of habit.
  • Alston has a tremor in both hands, but it's particularly pronounced in his right hand.

Full Reference

If I see you working again tomorrow, I'm going to be very upset and unsurprised.

Fix You - Coldplay

Lights will try to guide you Home, and ignite your bones, and I will try... to Fix You.


Early Life

Yezar'ith is hardly the best city to be born in, if you're given a choice, but Alston remembers liking it just fine. He fondly remembers walking through the colorful street markets on weekdays and tasting sweet bread from the best bakeries in Inawyth. He was cognizant of the fact that his family was far worse off than some of the others in his community, and they often relied on help from others, but they were happy enough, at least to Alston, and his life in Yezar'ith were filled with days of relative happiness and stability, at least compared to what was to come for the young child.

Alston began to sense that change was coming once his parents began having more and more talks behind closed doors. They wouldn't tell him what was happening, but he could tell that the 'talks' were becoming more and more heated as time went on. Eventually, Alston was informed of the family's sudden and permanent move to Voc for "a better chance" only two days before it actually happened, and some tearful goodbyes later, Alston said goodbye to everything he had ever known.

Voc Gangster

Voc would turn out to be nothing short of a Hellhole. Many natives of the area may protest to that label, but compared to the kind and understanding community of Yezar'ith, where Alston could turn to strangers for help in times of need, in Voc they were completely on their own, and in a far worse place than they initially had started. Getting strangers involved in Voc would only ever mean danger. The only way that the family was able to maintain stability was because Alston's mother had gotten into some... involvement with a higher-ranking gang leader. This had the unfortunate consequence of involving the rest of the family with the gang, although because of his mother's actions, Alston was never made to participate in any 'excessively dangerous' activities. A new kind of precarious stability caused Alston to grow up always on edge, waiting for everything to come crashing down.

The other shoe finally dropped once an internal coup caused the gang that was supporting Alston's family to collapse. Seeing no other options, Alston's father joined the army while Alston's mother spent her days looking for another gang leader to seduce. Eventually, they both met tragic ends, with Alston's father dying in combat and Alston's mother literally backstabbed by a man whom she told she loved. Though he tried his best, Alston was inevitably involved in the gang wars and was 'picked up' by a group who saw him as free labor. They quickly found out about his immense magical ability and Alston was given a new job as a combat medic to assist in their fights against the other gangs in Voc. Alston was pushed to the brink almost every day and unfortunately, his situation meant that he recieved a lot of practice in his role very quickly.

New Life

After word of a particularly impressive feat of life-giving reached the Council's ears, the mysterious group sent for Alston at once. Seeing a golden opportunity to escape the brutal gang violence that had shaped his life up until that point, Alston took the opportunity and uprooted his life to leave for Goqik, the Council's Headquarters. There, he was informed that he was appointed as a Knight of the Council, effective immediately, and that he was to be the new Council Medic Apprentice under Callaghan, working directly (and often secretly) under the orders of the Grand Council themselves.

Though Alston hadn't expected this outcome, he graciously and dutifully took to his position and began working hard to improve his skills at medicine and healing without reliance of magic, something he'd had little practice with, but was in the style of his mentor. He's still got quite a lot to learn, both in politics and in the art of healing, but Alston far prefers the life he has currently to the one that he left not so long ago. Only time will tell where it will take him now...


Cleric (Medic)

Grave Domain












Alston is quite practically unkillable by physical means due to his innate regrenerative powers. His ability also lets him transfer this regenerative ability to people he's touching, although reattaching (or even regrowing!) limbs takes much more out of him than a papercut. This also applies, although less effectively, to poisons and sickness.


Alston's magic is so powerful that it has the ability to save people from the brink of death. In exchange for some of his own life force, he can effectively blur the line between life and death and is able to perform incredible feats of revival.


Due to the innate nature of Alston's magical ability, as well as his ridiculously effective regenerative capabilities, his lifespan has been effectively multiplied, since his body's aging process has slowed down significantly.




Although their relationship may have started off due to Alston being pawned off on Callaghan with little to no warning, the two actually work quite well together as a team. Callaghan is a quite competent mentor and teaches Alston valuable knowledge he would never get in the field.

Despite their fundamentally different approaches to their craft, Alston knows that he's got a lot to learn from Callaghan. Alston cares for his mentor deeply, despite the short amount of time that they've known each other.



Thedan is a... frequent patient. Though he's quite scary on the outside, it's harder to actually be scared of him when your job is to deal with the aftermath of all his work. Men covered in blood is just another oridinary sight.

The two are on friendly terms with each other, though Alston recognizes that Thedan's much closer with Callaghan than him. Alston mostly hopes that Thedan will stop coming in with injuries, but recognizes with his nature it's unlikely at best.

code by Leporidactic