


8 years, 10 months ago


Species Name: Ki'Vut
Pronunciantion: Ki'Vut [pl] Ki'Vutan [adj]
Genre: Science Fiction / Space
Status:Semi-closed - ask for permission to create your own


The Ki'Vut are an alien species, originating from the planet Naullus. They are an intelligent species, capable of space travel and exploration, and a member of the Unified Intergalactic Armed Forces alongside a dozen other species. They are mammals, like humans, but are devoid of hair and more closely resemble something reptilian.


The Ki'Vut are an immensely proud and combatant culture. After centuries of development and technological advancement, the species experienced a renassaince of sorts and reverted back to more ancient, traditional beliefs as the basis of their society. This was led primarily by their Hymahk (King) at the time, who was exceptionally religious and felt all of their scientific development had stunted their values and views of the spiritual realm. As such, at this point in time, High Priests are some of the highest ranking officials in the Ki'Vutan government. They interpret the Gods' words and each individual Ki'Vut undergoes a coming-of-age ceremony at the hands of a High Priest, once they've reached adulthood.

Family is not of particular significance in the Ki'Vutan culture, as most young Ki'Vut are raised in youth facilities or off-planet. As they age, a Ki'Vutan's role in society is selected during their coming-of-age ceremony, wherein the High Priest tells them their purpose as decided by the Gods. As many Ki'Vut are now born or raised off-planet, many will return to Naullus to undergo their coming-of-age ceremony, regardless of their age.


Ki'Vut possess muscular, stocky builds regardless of gender. They are hairless, with six eyes (the secondary lower pair is very small and primarily absorbs light), and a flat face. They have keen senses, particularly sight and smell, however they have difficulty seeing in darkness unless they close their upper-pair of eyes. With just the lower pair open, they possess a form of heat vision. Ki'Vut possess three clawed fingers on each hand, as well as three toes, and overall weigh much more than a human due to bone density. They also stand taller, ranging between seven and eight feet in height, generally.

Their markings vary greatly, as does the coloration of their skin and eyes. Males possess membranes similar to gills on their abdomen rather than nipples, which aid in the absorption of air and certain nutrients necessary for Ki'Vut to survive. Females possess these same membranes, but they appear on the hips. It is customary to have piercings as a Ki'Vut, as well as scarification marks from their coming-of-age ceremonies.

K'Vut are omnivorous, but generally require a large protein diet to sustain themselves. They have limited teeth, with sharper incisors in the back of the jaw, and a sharp  pair of down-ward facing 'beak tusks' on their mouths that allow for biting and tearing. Their tongues are similar to a human's, although are capable of spreading to a broader width when drinking or devouring food. The little twin bone protrusions on their knees are generally used as a defense mechanism, adding bite to an already powerful jab into enemy flesh. 

Male genitalia is hidden within a thin slit against the groin area. The genitalia closely resembles that of a human male's, and only withdraws during periods of arousal. The slit is not sensitive to stimuli, due to a barrier of cartilage surrounding the orifice to protect the genitalia within. Female genitalia is similar, possessing the same hard outer barrier and thin slight, but will engorge and open into a fairly humanoid vulva when aroused. 

Key Points

  • Ki'Vut not raised on Naullus may not possess the usual scarification marks and piercings, but many engage in pilgrimages back to the planet even when born elsewhere to undergo the coming-of-age ceremony.
  • By nature, Ki'Vut are quite adept at linguistics due to the structure of their mouths and vocal chords. Their native language more resembles a series of barks, chirps, and growls. 
  • They do not vary all that much in build, although some Ki'Vut (primarily those raised in different climates) can be somewhat shorter, leaner, or chubbier. 
  • They reproduce sexually as mammals do, with only females capable of bearing young. 
  • They age slightly slower than humans, at a ratio of 1:1.305 (example: A 35 yo Ki'Vut is 26/27 in human years).
  • Ki'Vut possess over 50,000 tastebuds, making them incredibly sensitive to strong flavors/spices. 

Notable Ki'Vutans

Vorta RaktaTozin ArabastBronus VeraKharka Suyat