


3 years, 1 month ago


young adult
june 25 (cancer)
male (he/him)
homosexual (single)
feline (moggy) 

Currently not up for sale/trade
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Designed by  Juniperartz

Created on March 15, 2021
Obtained by 500 dA points
Worth $25
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Obtained on October 21, 2021
Obtained from previous owner

kindhearted . optimistic . apprehensive

Finch is a sickly cat with a big heart! He enjoys being around others and having good conversations, though doesn't exactly have the confidence to put himself in those conversations without a little help. He second-guesses his own decisions a lot, and often tends to avoid issues if at all possible. Despite this, Finch is quite kind, even if he's a little nervous when you first try to talk to him. He'll very easily turn into your biggest supporter if you let him, and will always look on the bright side. Not as much can be said in regards to hyping-up himself, and is quite belittling to himself.

Finch sleeps a lot and tends to worry about missing out on things because of it, so he'll push himself to have conversations even if he's falling over in the process.


  • sleeping, taking naps
  • the smell of fresh rain
  • light meals (fish, mice, birds, etc)

  • overwhelming crowds, too many cats
  • excessively hot weather
  • pollen, springtime (sneezing)
O-Oh! Did you need something?

  • Finch is a rather sickly cat, and falls into boughts of sickness easily if he doesn't take care of himself and pushes himself too hard. At best, he'll get the sniffles, and at worst he'll be  in bed with a cough and shivers.
  • He has quite a lovely singing voice, even if he claims it's scratchy. When he's not too sick, it's a quiet and smooth singing voice.
  • His favorite food is fish. He claims he doesn't like birds because it makes him feel weird to eat things that share his namesake.
  • Finch very much likes exploring, but often has to find friends to go with him, because he's not confident in his abilities alone.
Design Notes

  • Finch is rather small for a cat, and appears as though he didn't quite grow into his ears and paws. His ears and paws are rather large by comparison!
  • Because of his big ears, they can flop all over the place and are very expressive, even if Finch himself isn't!
  • His fur looks "droopy" and isn't too fluffy. It's also rather short, except for on his cheeks and a bit on his chest and tail.
  • Finch can be drawn with a runny or bloody nose.
  • His markings are asymmetrical! The only thing symmetrical is that both of his ears are a dark brown.

Jericho doesn't remember anything before his mid-teens. His adoptive father, a wealthy artist that made his fortune purely on his own talents, has given him a story to fill in the gaps. Although Jericho has wondered if the story is true, he also doesn't want to question the man that has helped him be what he is today.

His adoptive father states that Jericho was orphanage fodder, often getting into trouble as a child and being shipped from orphanage to orphanage until his adoptive father adopted him. Jericho only remembers ever being in his father's care starting at the age of 15. 

Jericho continued to be a troublemaker in school (even though he excelled with classwork,) forcing his father to home school him with help from private tutors. Jericho developed an interest in music to which his adoptive father wholeheartedly supported, soon blossoming into his passion and future career. After graduating school, Jericho worked at a local flower shop for a few years, still living with his adoptive father, until he wanted to consider doing music more seriously.


Jericho soon moved into his own small apartment (his adoptive father strongly believed in him making his own money, though he did support him for his first few years on his own.) 

He sought out friends that he had made through the music world (either by going to music stores when need be or simply attending shows and concerts.) They soon made a band together and began to work on their first album. As he and his band grew and developed, their popularity skyrocketed, primarily attracting the attention of a late-night talk show that invited the band to perform after one of their songs gained massive amounts of attention. Jericho's popularity as the lead singer and designated "leader" of the group led him to develop a strong fan base with which he kept regularly in-contact with through his social media. 

Since its creation, the band's following has only grown, now with the band only being about four or five years old but amassing millions of fans. Jericho visits his adoptive father when he can and sends him presents and records of his accomplishments every now and then. He tries to live inconspicuously in a small high-rise apartment, though often leaves on tour with his band every now and then.


  • Doesn't remember his life before the age of around 15, when he was "adopted" by his father-figure, a self-made and rich artist.
  • Was forced to private tutoring and lessons after sparking fights in public school. Although he was extremely intelligent and took on the "bad boy" persona, he often disliked his classmates.
  • Soon found an interest in song-writing and music.
  • Worked at a flower shop for a few years after graduating before seriously considering music as a career, soon after creating his own band.
  • Jericho's band caught major attention after a late-night talk show invited them to play on-show. Their popularity has only increased from there.
  • Now with a few years to his band's name, Jericho is often very active on social media with his fans and continues to try to life in a small apartment in between performances and going on tour.
code by jiko | art by sensushimi