


2 years, 11 months ago


Kainne are creatures that live primarily in forest environments. Resembling large butterflies or bees, they function in a eusocial manner and primarily concern themselves with pollenation of plant life, as well as protecting their territory from any known threats. Born as small nymphs, they are largely helpless without the help of the colony or otherwise sympathetic organisms. When they reach a certain age, they will undergo a metaphoric state, wherein they emerge as adult Kainne.

The Kainne commonly possess four limbs; two arms and two legs. They are exoskeletal in nature, and are about the size of an adolescent Kendan. Though they appear to have smooth, featureless snouts set below big eyes, this is because their mouth - a large pair of serrated jaws - is designed to close very tightly when not in use to prevent their tongues from lolling out, and to ensure that they draw blood against any threats to their colony.

In terms of sexual dimorphism, females have a purple exoskeleton, yellow eyes, butterfly-like wings with elaborate scale patterns, and retain their ability to spin silk from a gland in their mouth. Males have a yellow exoskeleton, purple eyes, solid blue wasp-like wings, and a prominent set of heel spurs for climbing.

They are often considered equivalent to fae, as they have unique physiology that allows their bodies to act as a conduit for magic of any type. If exposed to excess semblance, they are able to enchant their claws with it for additional striking power or utility. Also unique to their physiology, is their process of choosing leaders and guardians within the colony.

If there are no leaders present, a single, random female Kainne will begin to undergo a second metamorphic state. Upon exiting their cocoon, they will have become a Kaimark, the queen of the colony. In addition to a greater height, the Kaimark has a second pair of limbs, a second set of sensory antenna, and psionic power allowing them to cast spells and speak through telepathy. From there, her duties primarily involve ensuring the colony is run smoothly by directing them telepathically, communicating with external influences to propose alliances, as well as laying eggs to help propagate the colony.

When a Kaimark is born, all males in the colony begin what can only be described as nonlethal gladitorial combat. They will attempt to snip the wings off of eachother until only four remain. The wings will grow back, but Kainne males who have lost their wings previously are considered ineligible until their scales are again a solid blue. The final four candidates begin their own metamorphisis into Kaisectors. The Kaisectors are large, burly guardians who possess a pair of large, lobster-like claws, a smaller set of arms for grasping and fine manipulation, a thicker exoskeleton, and a pair of horns formed from a now-vestigial set of sensory organs, with a new set growing along their browline. The four Kaisectors will engage in a final bout, and the last one standing with their wings intact will gain the title of Prime Kaisector, a personal guard and consort to the Kaimark. The losing Kaisectors will not regrow their wings, instead patroling the entry ways of their colony's hive to ensure there is minimal disturbances.

Trade deals have been struck with kainne before, primarily relating to flora; Kainne commonly request potted plants as a recurring, portable source of nutrition in return for the honey they create, as well as the brief, harmless shaving of scales from their wings. Kainne wings are known as a powerful anti-fungal remedy, as well as being able to redirect or dissipate magic when tossed into the air as a diversion tactic due to its almost magnetic properties relating to Semblance. They have also been known to maintain a symbiotic relationship with Brushback Spiders; the herbivorous arachnids are fed fruit from the nearby trees, as Kainne have no use for them as well as helping to guard the spiders' young when applicable. In return the Brushbacks will block off hidden entryways using their camouflage, and act as an early warning system.