
3 years, 1 month ago


Name Aslin
Age 57
Gender Nonbinary
Species Human
Status Alive

Aslin is a Witcher, but not a real one. While they look, act, and perform as one, they are not the product of any official Witcher guild, and are instead the result of a sucessful strain of experiments done by a sorceress named Perdita Alistair, who was attempting to recreate the potions and poisons that were used to make Witchers even though the original recipes were lost and any remaining knowledge was tightly guarded. Aslin is aware that they are a "second generation Witcher", yet keeps this secret close to their chest. They wear a wolf medallion around their neck and claim to come from Kaer Morhen, but refuse to divulge any more details when asked.

Before they became a witcher, Aslin was an orphan living on the streets. Perdita found them and offered them food and shelter and love, which they, a child who did not know better, were eager to accept. Perdita treated them as a mother would, with love and care, and betrayed their trust at every step with each of her experiments. In the end, she was successful in creating an blank-slate, emotionless mutant of a Witcher, but in doing so made Aslin deeply jaded with little humanity.

Perdita used her ties to find tutors for Aslin in swordplay, and tutored them herself in using magic and making potions and oils. She, of course, did not know all of the same recipes Witchers use, and Aslin's swordplay tutors knew not how to slay monsters, meaning their knowledge is lacking and their methods are often unorthodox, but when they set out in the world to begin life as a Witcher, they were skilled enough to get the job done, and rarely would people ask questions about their origin.

Aslin has no friends or relationships outside of their strange mother-child bond with Perdita; having been rendered entirely emotionless, they are difficult to befriend or even converse with, often coming across as excessively curt and cold with a flat, humorless voice and no expressions. They are, at times, lonely, but never to a severe degree, and they visit Perdita often as, despite everything, they still view her as a mother figure.