Adam Atoms



6 years, 11 months ago


[n a m e] Adam Atoms

[a g e] 18 - October 13th - Libra

[s e x] Male

[g e n d e r] Genderfluid he/she they/them (secretly likes he more)

[e t h n i c i t y] Brittish/American

[j o b] Bus Boy

[v o i c e r a n g e] High/Low -Double A's natural voice is high like this ex: -Double A sounds like low like this when he sings Ex: [h e i g h t] 5' 5"

[w e i g h t] 125 lbs.

[o r i e n t a t i o n] Pansexual

"Clothes do not have a gender you know."

[l i k e s] -Halloween -October -Tea -Singing -Horror Movies -Skirts -The rain -To doodle -Bunnies -Sweets -Occasional Naps -Hairpins -Hot Chocolate -Jokes -being pet on the head -Loud atmosphere

[d i s l i k e s] -Unnecessary interactions -Too much sunlight -Being told what to wear -Coffee -Strong smells -The color blue -Customers that just leave the table a huge mess -Being touched under the armpits -Quiet atmosphere

[p e r s o n a l i t y]

Double A is naturally a Pensive type of person on the inside. But when he is faced with social interaction that he is not used to he can become very Rowdy and may make some whiny sounds as well as talk rather quickly. He tries his best to adapt to situations even if they make him a nervous wreck.

If someone some how gets under his skin, he will be Sarcastic and Sullen. But unless you really push his buttons or a customer is overly messy when they leave, no one will have to see this side of him. In addition to how he gets when irritated, if anyone harms or upsets any one that he considers a friend or family, he will become very Vulgar and Rash.

When Double A has the spotlight he's calm and collected as he looses himself in the music. But because of his humble opinion of his own music, he rarely speaks up to perform.

[h i s t o r y]

Double A could have been a brother to a younger sister. But unfortunately his sibling did not survive her own birth. So for a long while his parents dressed him up in what would be his sisters clothes. At this young age Double A did not understand the usual way of wearing clothes for boys. So as he grew up he still wore skirts and other girly clothes even if he was out growing them. His father had realized what his son was 'becoming' as he put it. So his father had took all of the skirts and other girly clothes Double A loved and gave them away.

His days in school were not the best in the world because he would often get teased for his high voice. It's not his fault that he was born that way. So he did not understand what was wrong with his voice. For a while the teasing would continue until he learned to just make strange noises to make them go away. So with that he later was known as the 'monster' of his classes. But he didn't really care about that. Eventually he had picked up on music. He especially loved the loud types. Such as hard rock and screamo. But he didn't dare to try screamo since he could ruin his voice.

Later in life when his father was busy, he secretly started to buy skirts and dresses once more. When he wore them he just felt that it was his own style. Before his father got home he would switch into his other boring boyish clothes. He may love his dresses and skirts but he never wanted to disappoint his father.

Then came the time when he started to embrace his love for music so he made a band out of the few friends he had. But it didn't end up as any of them planned. The drummer was the first to go. So Double A had to deal with the other members wanting a new drummer. He refused to find another one and eventually the band split.

When Double A was just about that age where he could make his own decisions, he walked right up to his father in his favorite dress and announced this his who he is. But again his father did not approve and scolded him for wearing such an outfit. So he packed up his things and ran away. He wanted to be able to wear what he wanted and be who he wanted. So he felt that freedom from his family is what was in order.

Finally he had found a place where he would be expected. During his journey he comes across two cafes. One was Pop and the other Rock. Noticing the amount of noise and activity in the rock cafe he decided to go inside. There he saw that they needed help. So after some noises among other complications, he was hired as a bus boy. This may not have been the most glamorous job for Double A but it was his own job. Now he proudly works at cleaning tables and dishes at the cafe that has changed his whole life. With new staff coming in, he will possibly make new memories that will last a life time.

[a d d i t i o n a l i n f o] -he will not respond to his birth name -he hums to help calm himself down -he has an unusual amount of knowledge on horror movies -he likes to be a solo singer but does not mind to much if there are others as long as he likes their voices -he's allergic to dust -he owns 15 skirts as of this moment -he will be rather cranky depending on how strong the sun is -he never leaves his home without his hairpin -he doesn't like make up no matter how girly he can be

[q u o t e s] -"I do not even bother talking to the screen because the characters are just too dumb to waste my breath on." -"There's no such thing as too much noise." -"TURN IT UP!" -"*unintelligible noises*" -"If you can not at least stack your plates to make my job easier then why don't you just break them since you already made my job difficult." -"Oh you were talking to me? Sorry I didn't realize there are still humans acting like humans in this world."

[r e l a t i o n s h i p s] N/A