Clarisse Campanula



3 years, 29 days ago


Clarisse c. Campanula III

"there are no ugly pokemon - but there are plenty of ugly people."

Filled with ambition and passion for the underdog, Clarisse dreams of dominating the contest scene with her posse of so-called "ugly" Pokemon.


Name Clarisse Catherine Campanula III
Age 18
GenderCis Woman (she/her)
Birthday July 24
Height 160 cm
Weight 110 lbs
OrientationHeteroromantic Asexual
Trainer Class Pokemon Coordinator

  • Cute clothes
  • Tiny pastries
  • "Underdog" stories

  • Stuck-up people
  • The idea that her Pokemon aren't cute
  • Meat


Clarisse wants to show that just because someone thinks a Pokemon or person is ugly doesn't mean they're malicious. She pities how easily people will judge others based on their looks, like how her parents did when she first brought her Stunsfisk friend home. This is why she prefers Pokemon to people - Pokemon are far less likely to be judgemental or biased.

Contrary to what other people might think, Clarisse does not show a disdain for cute Pokemon- she believes that a trainer can use whatever Pokemon they like so long as they don't judge others for it. She didn't choose the Pokemon to train simply out of spite or because she found them ugly - in fact, she chose them because they were either friendly to her, or she found them cute. Indeed, Clarisse enjoys dressing up in frilly clothes, reading fairy tales and wants to become a princess like most little girls do.

Deep down, she's very cheerful, kindhearted and a bit innocent, but fears that people will be rude to her when they see the Pokemon she trains. Therefore, she keeps up a rebellious, headstrong facade. She rarely opens up or lets herself get close to people in fear they'll just be fake friends. However, she'll gladly trust anyone with an open mind and an accepting heart - those are the two traits she values the most in anyone, person or Pokemon. 

Clarisse also tries to be as objective as possible and not give into her own biases. She initially hated "cute Pokemon" out of spite, but eventually learned to grow out of this bias. Whenever someone admits they were wrong in their biases to her face, she'll be in a good mood for the rest of the day. 


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Perhaps one of the most famous lines of Coordinators within the Unova region is the Campanula family, known for their usage of cute Pokemon such as Emolga, Clefairy and Mincinno. The most famous Campanula, Clarisse the First, has won the most ribbons of any Coordinator in Unova alongside her prized Altaria, Precious. 

With all of this in mind, it was no surprise that the third Clarisse Campanula would have big shoes to fill. At the age of 6, she started doing contests alongside Swablu, one of Precious’s grandchildren. Clarisse was too young to understand the picky preferences of her parents or the burden of being from such a prestigious line of Coordinators- all she cared about was having fun with her favorite Pokemon.

Clarisse could recall the angry glares her parents gave her when she brought home a Stunsfisk one day at the age of 12. When she demanded an explanation as to why they were trying to kick her new friend out, they said it was because they feared it would “tarnish the Campanula name”. Apparently, the Campanulas had very high standards on what Pokemon should participate in contests- pretty Pokemon win contests. Ugly Pokemon do not. Wanting to comply with her parents' wishes, but also not wanting to depart from her new friend,  Clarisse kept the Stunsfisk hidden away from her parents. 

Her Stunsfisk followed her to a contest one day when she was 15. Though she tried to hide them, they ended up making an impromptu appearance during an appeals session, causing Clarisse to lose the contest. Not wanting to face her parents’ anger and disappointment, Clarisse ran away from home and quit her contest career...or did she?


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mandibuzz.gif【Mandibuzz】Sweetheart "Sweetie"
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