Enduiin's Comments

Enduiin, previously known as Ylara, is a genderflux Shedskin. The species are part snake and part golem created eons ago by a powerful witch to be her helpers. As time went on, they developed not only sentience, but emotion and free thought as well. Ever since, they’ve been growing and spreading across the planes, no longer tied by servitude.

Enduiin themself was under the employment of a young princess for most of their childhood, until breaking the rune that bound them and leaving the kingdom. Now, they attend Abbadon high with a large collection of other monsters, witches, shapeshifters and more!

[This is a big AU I created that I roleplay with often <:shy:806163420562587658> Abbadon High is a large campus for highschool and college students of non-human (non-magic) origin to attend and learn more about themselves, the world, and prepare for their life!]
