

6 years, 11 months ago


A socially awkward and introverted chupacabra. 

Is an opportunistic eater/hunter and will go for whatever they can, no matter the size.

Their curved canines make it hard to make a clean puncture into any major vein, instead they scrap off the skin w/ their teeth until blood begins to surface and lick it up — a slower method, but still gets the job done. (Just one of many eating methods.)

Has little to no socializing skills and has a terrible time making any relationships as a result.

Being primarily nocturnal, they only ever come out at night to hunt or really do anything. Their big eyes allows them to have excellent night vision and their satellite like ears are extremely sensitive to noise. They can preform/pickup echolocation.

Completely hairless and has iridescent, scales. Spines/spikes are used for a defense, that can secrete over itself a numbing/paralyzing toxin. Their flashy ears are a warning to any potential predator that they might be poisonous.