Nova (Scara/Wanderer and Nova)



-Nova was kidnapped by the Fatui and forced to work underneath Scaramouche. Due to their history with homelessness and starvation, they were reluctant but welcomed the stability that the Fatui brought them. 

-Literally Stockholm Syndrome with Scaramouche. They fall hard in love with him and soon become his personal pet/lover type deal. Scaramouche is not very nice to Nova, but they don't really care because any affection is better than no affection. Scaramouche at least feeds, clothes, and houses Nova, so that makes them feel secure. 

-Upon Scaramouche's incident in Sumeru and him becoming Wanderer, Nova is the only one who seems to remember him. He goes looking and finds Wanderer, though Wanderer is quite confused as to just HOW Nova seems to remember him. Wanderer somewhat apologizes for the treatment and welcomes his lover back into his life because it's kinda nice to be remembered and loved still. 

-Wanderer brings Nova to Nahida and it's revealed that Nova isn't in Irminsul at all, meaning that Nova isn't from Teyvat originally. It is unknown where he's actually from as Nahida is unable to tell. (Nova is an elf that is related to Eren. A wandering group of Elves that traveled from their own world to Teyvat.)

-Wanderer accepts it and takes Nova home and starts to make up for the abuse that he had put Nova through previously, though Nova doesn't consider it abuse and isn't even upset with Wanderer. Eventually, Nova genuinely falls for Wanderer as more than just the Stockholm Syndrome. 

-Nova gets a job at a local cafe as a waiter and helps bring in some money that way. Their sweet disposition and smile end up earning them popularity and a lot of tips.

-Calls Wanderer his name (Kuni), 'Wanwan', and a few other cute nicknames. 

-Their relationship is rather healthy at this point. Both are kind to one another and discuss problems in their relationship healthily. 


-Nova is genderqueer and nonbinary, but biologically has a penis. Their penis is 4" and Scara's is about 6 1/2 "

-Scaramouche tends to use Nova for his own personal needs for awhile, but once becoming Wanderer he grows more interested in pleasing his partner as well as himself. 

-Their favorite position is doggy style because Scara/Wanderer enjoys pulling Nova's hair and putting his fingers in their mouth. 

-Sex is mainly about pleasure rather than intimacy between the two of them. 

-Lots of lube because Nova is a tiny thing. But, no condoms. Scara/Wanderer dislikes the feel of condoms and trusts Nova to not sleep around. Plus, Scara/Wanderer is a puppet. I don't think they can catch human diseases like that???

-Nova is a squirmy loud mess during sex and Scara/Wanderer teases tf out of them for it. 

-Nova's moans are deep and throaty and they make some pretty lewd facial expressions.