
Name: TBN

Gender: Male

Bio:  Extreme Candy Collecting! (And tasting!) TBN grew up liking candy like all youngins do, that is until he happened to try an unusually kind from a far away land. He was so blown away by the discovery and taste, the amazing diversity he started to notice, that he swore to both collect and taste every kind of candy the world has to offer! He now has a whole section of his house dedicated to candy, with personalized cubbies for every kind of candy, and even has sections with monitored temperatures to keep them fresh and looking good! He has over 2,000 different candies, from Aeros and the hundreds of different types of Kit Kats, to Tamarind and Mozartkugel and Galletas Doña Pepa! Once he finishes his collection (and gets added to the Guinness World Record of course), TBN will give away all the candy to orphanages all over the world, letting lambabies who may otherwise never try them, and little something to sweeten their day!

Hexs: #fead49, #e98d1b, #ef7400, #fef0e0, #feca49, #fed578, #feb816, #fef5e3, #fde1a3

Born: May 28, 2021

Open to dreamfusions starting May 28th
