


3 years, 1 month ago



Goodnight sweetheart

Azul, a young man with soft, blue hair, has a sleep disorder called narcolepsy. This condition makes him feel excessively sleepy during the day and causes him to unexpectedly fall asleep at odd times.
As a result, Azul often appears tired, moves slowly, gets easily annoyed, or enters a dream-like state.
His dreams are so vivid that it becomes difficult for him to distinguish them from reality. Consequently, when someone wakes him up, he feels disoriented and frustrated.
On occasions when his dreams are pleasant, Azul chooses to return to sleep and continue immersing himself in that preferable world rather than facing the real one.
As Azul grew older, his life became increasingly bleak. His condition prevented him from forming friendships or engaging in a social life. The profound sense of loneliness led him to seek solace in sleep more frequently, and he no longer resisted the urge to sleep when the opportunity arose.
However, his situation worsened when he developed a rare, severe, and chronic condition known as PSSD as a side effect of his prescribed SSRI medication.
This plunged him into a deep depression, and with no support system to aid him, he stopped fighting the temptation to fall asleep and actively sought ways to encourage it, resorting to sleeping medication and any means possible to escape his current existence and return to the comforting realm of vivid dreams where everything felt okay once more.


Azul has completely detached himself from the real world. He only wakes up briefly to fulfill basic needs like drinking, eating, and taking sleep medication.
His waking hours are limited to a mere 30 minutes per day, while the rest of his existence unfolds within the realm of dreams.
During his dream-filled journey, he has encountered peculiar beings such as Friendly, Schrödinger, and even Freddy Krueger, though only fleetingly.
In spite of the somber reality of his life, Azul paradoxically leads a content, enjoyable, and vibrant secondary existence within the world of dreams.
Nevertheless, if Azul doesn't receive proper treatment, his chances of surviving well into old age are severely compromised.

Sleepwalker - A dream -