


3 years, 24 days ago


"No comment needed"

Azari is an orphan. She has lived in the foster care system for almost her entire life. And once she turned 18 and left to be an adult she loved the feeling of being free. She hasn't had a stable life. She keeps getting fired from her jobs because of her temper, and is in debt because of the destruction her electricity causes. She is mainly homeless but is ok with that. Because of her powers she can have her nintendo all charged up all the time. But when she isn't homeless she is staying in some collange apartment with others. She is mainly quiet. Most people don't even know her voice. But when she does she act like a brat. She still feels like a kid and never really grew up. She is rude, and selfish in a childish way. She wines and can be dramatic. But most of the time she is silent and curled up on some couch with oversized headphones in. when she isn't being a brat she is quite fun. Her knowledge of the internet is pretty useful, and she is a loyal friend. But kinda stupid.

Azari is mainly quiet and barely speaks. Most of the time she just makes small noises. But when she does talk she won't shut up. She rambles on about her absettion at the time of the conversation. Her obsessions range from video games to online drama. She likes to spread her strong opinions and summaries of dramas online as well, with her having a pretty popular blog. She mainly acts like a child with her having a big temper. She gets mad at the smallest things. When she is mad she will curl herself up, and throw stuff at anyone who tries to talk. She is pretty passive aggressive and dramatic. Azari likes to joke around with people all the time. But her anti social behavior makes her seem like a rude a- hole. She is also prety chill, and will vibe with anyone.