


3 years, 1 month ago


I'm a horrible person :D

Okay, explanation time. One day I was watching someone play Corpse Party (the visual novel version I think) and thought "hey, what would happen if you took someone's dead body with you when you left?" And then I didn't finish watching the play-through because I don't actually like any Corpse Parties that aren't the original. But before I left that cursed realm of spin offs, I made a drawing inspired by my thought, and then hid it from the world because it was really bad. Also I barely remember anything that happens in the game series and I know something similar to what I came up with actually happened in the anime I think but I don't care to watch it and find out what happened. So, uh, very light spoilers for a Corpse Party I guess?

Asphodel is a senior in high school and somehow got into the cursed school (I haven't actually figured out how yet). She also has the ability to see spirits and what not, so that does help her survive. While trying to find her way out, she met a senior from another school and they became friends over the course of the several days they were trapped. Unfortunately they are in a Corpse Party inspired world, so of course tragedy struck. They get into an encounter with an angry, violent ghost and her friend get decapitated, as you do. Asphodel goes a tad crazed from grief and decides that maybe, just maybe, if she brings her friend's corpse out of the school with her they wouldn't actually be dead. Spoilers, that doesn't work. She can't drag an entire human body around with her, so she opts to just take the head. She does end up escaping with the head, but her friend is still very dead. And now she's back in her school. Holding a severed head. This does bring her friend's spirit with her, so that's nice at least, and it also keeps them from having their memory erased from everyone's mind. To end off her story, she basically gets copious amounts of therapy and hangs out with her ghost friend, because let's not make this story end on an absolutely horrible note, this isn't Corpse Party :)

I'll probably come back to her to write an actual story around this, getting rid of most of the Corpse Party things, as I do like the very basic idea of girl makes friend in spooky location, friend dies but like, doesn't just disappear from the story, and everyone gets therapy and lives as happily as they can. Make it kind of like a ghost roommate sitcom type thing