
3 years, 1 month ago



stars • galaxies • dimensions

Goddess of space

She tries to break her curse of immortality but is seem to be more complex then expected. Having to dig up the origins of gods leads her on a journey across all kind of dimensions...

Goddess of Space
female, she/her
165cm/ 5"5'
organized, emotionless
thin hourglass


Born in a noble elf family and affiance to the prince she held great power and had a bright future ahead. But before the marriage day could arrived the latest god of space passed.  To determine his inheritor a war of saints broke out.

Saints are people who were blessed by a god if they have been deemed worthy enough. They get a fraction of the god's power and are there to keep peace in the human realm. A saint can raise up to be a god under two circumstances 1) the current god that granted them their power has died and 2) they have to be the last saint alive. Reactions to such an event are different. Some saints went out to murder the competition while others accepted the live of a world without a god.

Lyra gained the title of a saint very young so her chances to win were high since most others would die of old age. This happened around medival times, life expectancy wasn't very high to begin with. The Prince feared the consequences of the war and her status as a godly candidate and thus broke off the engagement

Years passed and Lyra married a different noble to keep her bloodline alive. She gave to birth to two boys that were 3 years appart in age. At around 44 her body drastically began to weaken, being bedridden for weeks everyone expected death to take her soon but one unexpected morning she woke up looking like her healthy 20 year old self. 

She was the last saint remaining and thus became a god


She is one of the two most powerful beings in existence.
She can rip dimension riffs into thin air, control gravitycreate black holes, shapeshift, you name it. Her favourite skill is creating whirlpools out of stardurst.
The only thing she cannot do is travel time since that power is exclusive to the god of time. Just how the god of time cannot travel between dimensions. Though both of them carry an item with each others skill embedded into it. So she is capable of traveling time to some extend with it but it has to be recharged regularly.


designer clothes
good food


stupid people
unclean appearance


Traits or trivia here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio.
Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non.

Another blurb for personality or trivia. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros.

Designer Myself
Current Worth n/a
  • Hair is iridescent but can be simplified to white/lavender
  • Any outfit works, you can mix and match the existing ones or create one yourself
  • Meme and joke art is appreciated
  • She has a thin body build and a slight tan

Time efrenemies -> lovers

The god of time and opposite of Lyra. They didn't go along very well in the beginning but kind of accepted the others presence now since they work towards the same goal. Lyra fell for them first. They maintain a weird relationship between friends with benefits and a married couple. They rarely get actively wholesome and cute towards the other

Gary customer 

Gary's unusual ability allows him to travel between dimensions. Lyra took notice of that and occasionally helps him out if he get's stuck in a star current or gets pulled in a black hole

Echo  Acquaintances  

Echo is a God as well but doesn't have as much power as Lyra and Time. They get are on good terms and meet each other occasionally.