


3 years, 1 month ago


Meet Opaltuft!

HUP: 0% 

Health: 100%

Rank: Gatherer

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/her They/Them 

Age: 2 years/24 moons

Looks: Cream Mackerel Tabby with White

Relationships: Unknown

Apprentice(s): none currently

Kits: none

Kin: unknown 

Backstory: wip

Opaltuft grew up in the forest, she had learned to hunt for herself at a young age. Opal, at the time was very closed off and defensive. She hated talking to anybody in the fear that they would leave her. She had no friends for the same reason. They would always scavenge for food everywhere they could find any. Finding moss, feathers and anything else to have a good place to sleep. Opal slept in a cave for most of her life, sheltered from the outside world. She never actually found out what happened to her family, everything leading up to 6 moons seemed a blur. Once she finally joined the clan she got her warrior name, OpalTuft. She doesn't hate her name but wishes she could change it to something she would like more, She enjoys the name because opals are pretty to look at and maybe-just maybe, it implied that she was pretty aswell? Thats what she hopes, she always hopes that so dearly that it means just that.

Theme song(s): wip

Fears: Being abandoned  

Name(s): OpalTuft

Other: nothing yet

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