Mr. Capgras



3 years, 1 month ago


  • Mr. Capgras

  • Capgras_20230818232417.png?ex=657d437f&i
  • age 21
  • gender Trans-man
  • ETHNICITYFilipino
  • STATUSAlive?
  • theme

"The name's mr. capgras!"


An avoidant and mysterious masked man residing in Front Street's hospital with its strange Doctor, he seeks a way to steal back what was taken from him. Oh, and maybe your wallet, too.

 "You're trying to replace yourself!" 

height 5'9

build Thin/Hourglass

pronouns he/him

s.o. Gay

dob April 3rd, 1998

sign Aries


occupation N/A

mbti INFP-T

demeanor Skittish, Aggressive

WEIGHT 108 lbs

Fav foodSteak Fajita

Fav drink Shirley Temple



  • Painting, general Arts & Crafts
  • Alone time
  • Cats and Dogs
  • Sweets & Candy
  • The color green


  • Wine
  • Tight or claustrophobic environments
  • Being in one space for too long
  • Loud noises and annoying people
  • His brother

"What you feel and what you do, are those things really you? And if not, why?"

Mr. Capgras is, on the surface, an aggressive, skittish, and entirely avoidant man who’s not interested in being your friend. But below the surface.. he’s still aggressive, skittish, and avoidant. While he’s definitely smarter then he lets on, it doesn’t go to say much when he’s constantly under the influence of his caretaker, following his every word and demand. 

Mr. Capgras, if he struggles with anything, struggles with being independent, and that’s exactly why you won’t see him far from the Doctor..

"You'll never take me alive, baby!"

Mr. Capgras' origins are as mysterious as he is, with no one but his estranged brother knowing who he truly is, or where he came from. However, from what little he has willingly elaborated on, he was homeless for an extensive period of time before arriving at the hospital. He often resulted to petty theft and burglary to get by, though he doesn’t seem too caught up about his crimes.

His past experiences with scarcity and desperation is the source of his skittish and possessive behavior, often getting into full-blown fights with others if he feels that he, his personal property or safety is threatened; unfortunately for him, he’s not someone with the foresight to try and talk it out first.

"Eulogy or biography, I'm who I wanna be, and that is god to me!"

Mr. Capgras wears his emotions on his sleeve, and the most prominent is his constant fear of replacement. Despite the irrationality of such a fear, he is convinced he is not the only him out there; that he has a series of doppelgängers that are insistent on taking his place, hurting him; but of course, that could never possible. Doppelgängers don’t exist, right?

Well, maybe his fear isn’t entirely unfounded. ;-)



  • He knows how to play the electric guitar.
  • His mask can change expressions based on how he’s feeling ( ex: Smiling for happy, Frowning for sad, angry or upset, etc ).
  • He has a NY accent, on account of copying it off of his peers.
  • Before the incident, Capgras was a freshman in a fine arts college.
  • He often sneaks out into the city and town at night, behind the Doctor's back. 
  • He has been residing in the hospital for the better part of a year.
  • He has a bad left shoulder, which has a long scar over it. He can't put too much weight on it less it start to strain.
  • His favorite candy are Trolli™ Sour Gummi worms.
  • He dislikes Wine, and most other kinds of alcohol. He complains that even the mere smell of it makes him nauseous.
  • Because of his hot-headed and aggressive nature, he tends to pick fights he can’t always win.
  • He’s comically naive, on account of a sheltered upbringing.
  • He’s multilingual, being able to speak Filipino and Spanish on top of English. 
  • He’s someone who prefers not to talk about his personal life, and doesn’t like getting to know about others, either.
  • He’s grossed out by physical displays of romantic affection.

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