Embermane's Comments

Does anyone on my UFO folder interests you?

I'm sorry, sadly didn't see anyone! 

It’s okay!

Thank you for looking ✨

Anyone on my th interest you (off limits is 00 folder) Also have art examples here i could possibly offer money depending on how much your looking for (I could do like 2 fulls etc)

Heya! You have some really nice oc's, just sadly not what I'm looking for. Your art is very cute too and I would consider that but money is high priority atm! How much do you think you could play? <3

do you take art offers?

I can offer art and/or custom designs if so!!



Ah sorry, I don’t think I’d just take art offers for them!

heya! I know its been a bit, but would you still be interested? :3

I would!! :D

Oh sweet! What kind and how much art would you do? :3

I'm open for doing anything! My chibis and icons seem to be more popular and my usual offer amount is 2-4 but I can do more of whatever interests you :D

Oh sweet! Would you do clothed Anthro Chibis of each of my mains? :3 (3 in total) 

If so let me tell you a lil about em so you can get their personality in the picture right <3

9 Replies

Does anyone on my UFO folder interests you?

Sorry, didn’t see anyone I’d use!

It’s okay!

can offer 7usd! edit: or maybe one or both of these guys? :D https://toyhou.se/15651359.10usd , https://toyhou.se/15651319.10usd

I could also do a sketchy art piece like this one! 


I’d accept a fb for them if you’re still interested!

Sorry, I'm no longer interested in the character! :0 but could you tell me what fb means? :0


ooh actually I think I'll do the fullbody if you still take the offer! <3 what character do you want the art of? :3

Sweet, is this character okay? https://toyhou.se/8846257.bellagio

11 Replies