Evelyn's Comments

Oh my gosh, this cutie would be such a good addition to a story I'm creating! The story is about cryptids and unusual creatures, with Blythe as the protagonist! The world is set in modern time, with cryptids and creatures secretly coinciding with humanity, as they can switch between human and inhuman forms. Blythe is a werewolf with a mothman-esc adoptive mother. I feel like Evelyn would be an amazing addition to the story!

Hello! In another comment he participated with a WTA by Jae for his adoption. I like Evelyn to be the best friend of Danielle the ballet dancer and protagonist of my story Brilliant Stage.

Evelyn's design matches Danielle and Jae very well, so I'd like to try to adopt her as well.

She would also be a dancer, but that would be due to her parents' obligation, since her family is very close with Danielle's family, but she has ambitions that would take her further, to create her own ballet company, but being a woman, at that time, they don't take her seriously at all, so she has to fight and try hard to achieve her goals.

I want your story to be one where you can achieve your goals by trying hard and against all the obstacles that come your way. I would be a dreamy woman but at the same time realistic and very determined, quite stubborn if you ask me. Maybe Jae is his possible love interest ;)

I would be very happy if you could consider adopting both characters, I have many ideas for this story and the designs of these characters are perfect for them.