Leander Denholm



2 years, 11 months ago



The Magician

Leander Denholm


Former consort of the Vampire Lord, Strahd von Zavarovich, Leander has since lost that title, met Strahd's son, been turned into a dhamnpir himself, and nearly died a handful of times.

Leander Denholm is, for the most part, exactly the sort of individual you might expect of a wizard: on the taller side, slender, much better suited for spell casting and the like than swinging a sword. His eyes are dark, more often than not hidden behind round spectacles and reddish-brown hair, pulled back and tied with a strand of leather to keep it in place. Oftentimes, his familiar is curled around his neck, a white-scaled, red-eyed cobra named Azra.

While unsure of his standing with some members of his current adventuring party, Leander has become rather close with Zephyrus Avramidis, the party's Druid.

“It is a blessing to have family again."
- Caleb Widogast


The Lovers


Leander doesn't know much about his past outside living in Barovia. He knows there is something, but it's just out of reach, something he can't quite get a hold of. He took over a small bookshop by the name of The Copper Quill, and he's rather content to run this place with Azra, oftentimes forgetting that there might be something more to his life.

He is aware that he went to a magic university, where he learned his abjuration magic, his mind is a vice trap when it comes to skills and new spells, but he doesn't have memory of people and the like that he interacted with. Sometimes, Leander sees a family in his dreams. They are not recognizable, but they seem to know him. More often than not, these particular dreams turn to nightmares rather quickly.





Class: [ Abjuration Wizard ]
Background: [ Antiquarian ]
Species: [ Dhampir ]
Gender: [ Male ]
Sexuality: [ Achillean ]
Height: [ 5'9" ]
Date of Birth: [ October 28 ]

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