


3 years, 1 month ago



"Fancy quote here."

All about Silverpelt

Silverpelt was born along with his sister Brambletooth to Lilybranch and Weaselpelt, a few moons before the YellowXWolf invasion of FoxClan, during which his sister was kidnapped by WolfClan warriors. Throughout his kithood, he was constantly teased and bullied by Flamekit and Swiftkit, and grew to hate the two. He developed a crush on Mousekit but told nobody, not even Bramblekit for fear she would tell Flamekit or Swiftkit. Silverpaw was apprenticed to Shrewpelt, who was always scornful of everything he did. But that only made him more entuhsiastic, and soon he was the star student - Shrewpelt even announced to anybody who'd listen (especially Swiftpaw) that Silverpaw was the son he never had. Silverpaw was pleased when this started to obviously take a toll on Swiftpaw, but comforted him nonetheless. Around this time, he started getting dreams from a terrifying cat called Stagstar, who claimed to be his kin. At first put off by him, once he realized that Tigerpaw, a fellow FoxClan apprentice was also having these dreams, he became very excited for his midnight training. On the eve of his warrior's ceremony, he got a dream from Stagstar, who told him to talk to a certain Fragilepaw of YellowClan. The next day, he was named Silverpelt, after the starry night sky. The next gathering, obeying his ancestor's wish, he sought out Fragilepaw. She was in an argument with Lostpaw and Swiftriver, and Silverpelt quickly diffused the situation. Fragilepaw seemed to recognize him, and they went somewhere private to talk. It turns out, she's been having "visions", where she would black out for hours on end. During these fits, she'd have horrible hallucinations where she was being chased through a dark forest, occasionally catching glimpses of random cats. Apparently, Silverpelt was one of those cats- and he saved her several times. Silverpelt replies to this by telling her that, although he'd never seen her in his dreams, he was told to meet her by an ancestor of his. Fragilepaw takes this as an omen that they are going to accomplish great things and they promise to meet every gathering to talk. Excited, Silverpelt goes to Tigerheart to tell him about Fragilepaw's dreams. Tigerheart seems pleased enough although he is much less than interested in Fragilepaw. That night Silverpelt gets a rather disturbing dream: a vision of Stagstar murdering and cannibalizing his former mate Hollowseed. It was immediately followed by a warning from a StarClan warrior named Steelface, Silverpelt's grandfather, telling him to stay as far away from Stagstar as he possibly could. Silverpelt woke up terrified, but convinced himself it was a false, propogandic dream. Stagstar had warned he and Tigerheart about his relatives, after all. But Tigerheart -surprisingly- was not so ignorant. He and Silverpelt argued for hours about the dream, and their relationship crumbled until it was bitter and cold. Togerheart eventually got sick of the mere prescence of Silverpelt and ran off, unseen for the rest of the day. The following night was hard for Silverpelt. Tigerheart was in the Dark Forest along with Silverpelt, and he confronted Stagstar. Stagstar proceeded to torture Tigerheart until he passed out. Silverpelt continued training, too intimidated not to. As soon as he woke up at dawn, he gathered a patrol to collect Tigerheart. They found him barely clinging to life in the abandoned fox den. Silverpelt washorrified for the following moon of Tigerheart telling their secret, but he never did. Not even once Tigerheart had healed completely did he report Silverpelt. TBC


AGE 38 at death
Tomcat content (He/Him)
Species Cat
Birthday content
Height 10.5"
Orientation Straight
Rank Depends on where we are in the timeline.

  • His children, all of them.
  • Sunny days on the moor.
  • Eyes

  • Swiftstar, Flamestripe, Loststar, Pepperstar and Troutclaw.
  • Bullies. He almost always sticks up for the underdog.
  • Cats who talk too much.


  • He had three "wives" (Clover, Fragilestar and Mouseclaw) and three biological children. He is also Darkpath's stepfather.
  • Trained alongside Tigerheart by Stagstar, his great-grandfather.
  • The only mate he loved is Mouseclaw, who gave birth to his son Lunarlight.
  • Was bullied by Swiftstar and Flamestripe when they were kits.

Design Notes

  • He has slightly shaggy fur.
  • You can draw him with emo hair if you'd like to.
  • Always draw the little dark slivers under his eyes. You can add a lighter mark on his nose, but it's not necessary.
  • Vivamus eros magna, euismod quis augue non, tempor ultricies massa.


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FATHER: Weaselpelt MOTHER: Lilybranch SIBLING(S): Brambletooth MATE: Mouseclaw, Lovers Fragilestar and Clover KITS: Darkpath, stepson (Son of Swiftstar and Mouseclaw) - Silvershadow (DC, Son of Clover) - Lilystar (YC, Daughter of Fragilestar.) - Lunarlight, only legitimate child with Mouseclaw haha GRANDKITS: Swiftwhistle, Grandson - Mousekit, Deceased Granddaughter (Kits of Darkpath and Honeylog) - Twistedfisher, Grandson - Poseycrook, Grandson (Sons of Lunarlight and Ambercall) - Nellyquail, Grandson - Cloverclick, Granddaughter (Kits of Silvershadow and Jade-eyes)

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