ww's Comments

Does someone from my Toyhouse interest you? (Ryu is off limits, feel free to ask about the others!)

hi hi I like jin and tarako   sorry late reply!!

I can do Jin! :3 

UMumUmuJm so sorry could I think about it first I’m so sorry🥹🥹🥹

I also don’t mind co own if you’re into that

Co-owning works for me too! :3 

OH YAYY do u wanna make another profile for them (for your account)   

i can offer art or someone from my th!! offlims zeiya and tent on mains weee

I didnt see anyone but I will consider your art!! yay


they cuteee did you see anyone in my th? Would you consider art maybe 

offlimits are taro , mori, panko and Dimitri but might be tent on some others <3

Can do multiple if from unsorted as well

I kinda like confetti!!! 

I don’t think I could do em sorry ,,

That’s ok!! Thank you for offering anyway!!