sketchpet (sarah)



2 years, 7 months ago


havent found a good pic yetref sheet
theme song #1  theme song #2 theme song #3
> voice claim: casey lee williams

drawing notes
- pampas cat
- has little horns!
- petite + mildly athletic build

- 5'4
- glasses are NOT optional
- hair can be tied into a short ponytail. clothing leans masculine- would never be caught in a dress. also strongly prefers wearing shorts, even in cold weather
- eyes glow blue when using her magic

character notes

- "girl next door" type but with a bit of "weird girl" chaos gremlin flavor. pleasant, intelligent, and perceptive with a mostly dry sense of humor and gets a kick out of catching people off guard
- professional multitasker
- deeply passionate about science and magic, studying all the time
- sometimes neglects taking care of herself in favor of whatever she's working on. is also fiercely independent and has a hard time asking for help. her boyfriend is good at picking up on these things and reeling her back in
- love love LOVES her boyfriend and wouldn't trade him for the world even if she feels weird about showing it sometimes. the two of them have big m/f bisexual power couple energy
- lives in 
Cape Gloam, near the outskirts of the Haven bubble's civilization. lives with her boyfriend/future husband Ellis in a large run down house his family passed down
- works as an alchemist/apothecary and uses her Ether magic to create various remedies and effects. most of this is done under the table because she was refused entry to the Arcane University as a teen, so has never acquired the proper permits to publicly use magic in such a way. all of her magical research and training has been done completely independently and definitely a little illegally.
- has a rocky relationship with her govt-employee father and fled from her family a few years ago. she's since been widely adopted my Ellis' huge tight-knit family and she loves them all even if it can be overwhelming sometimes