🪴꒱ red'birch



2 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info




Received in trade

name : red'birch
past name(s) : red'kit, red'paw
future name(s) : none
pronouns : she/sher
rank : warrior, becomes deputy later on in life.
romantic orientation : panromantic
sexual orientation : pansexual
birthday : September 15th
age : 42 moons
zodiac : virgo

overall : determined
personality type : open to new ideas, empathetic, introverted, frank, direct, capable
positive traits : calm, understanding, level headed, competent
neutral traits : blunt, rule follower
negative traits : negative, crude, pessimistic
likes : being in charge
dislikes : being told what to do
hobbies : enjoys climbing trees and finding different colors/types of leafs
habits : she paces when she's agitated
pet peeves : being interrupted, being talked down to
aspirations : she wants to become deputy
phobias : none
secrets : she can't swim well and therefore forces others to fish while she stays in the woods
regrets : she regrets acting so cold to others throughout her life

sister : beech'curl - she wishes her sister didn't wear her heart of her sleeve, and was more professional, but they love eachother.

Their mother both only gave birth to one kit per litter, a superstitious thing to occur, and resulted in them being ridiculed for the first parts of their