


3 years, 1 month ago


NUMBER (6) Owner: Shakko (Helper)

Name: Dihya

Age: 7

Bloodline: hN/A

Birthdate: June 21st

Upload Date: February 9th, 2021

Sexuality: Pansexual

Gender: Female

Status: N/A

Parents: N/A

Cubs: N/A

Personality: An anomaly perhaps as she is both graceful and kind but also strong and fierce, Dihya has a very strong idea in what she believes in and how she came to reach it, a lot has changed since she left her pack behind and through it her personality has grown. Her scars have some from battling those who should not be trifled with to protect those in need of help, she will do all that she can to get her point across while also avoiding her previous pack members, disbanded though they were. Dihya would be the first to lay her life on the line for one in danger but has been known to accept trinkets from humans whose lives she had previously saved.

History: Growing up in the desert Dihya was surrounded by her pack, her parents the leaders and having had many, many generations in the same bloodline, they would not allow their daughter to just choose some random male. No, he would be hand picked by them. This was not the life that Dihya had hoped for and though she didn’t care for it, she stayed for her people. The proud and noble within always took their turn in the fighting pits but not before they had earned the right to enter, going against the kings finest warriors as it were who had already shown their strength and Dihya could do little but watch on, knowing that some day her parents would chose one to be her mate.

Life was much the same for this desert princess, they would mingle with the Ama Pack for the festivals but otherwise kept to themselves in the deserts with the harsh heat on their pelts. It was nearing the day, her mother had told her that the winner of the pits would undoubtedly be one of their pack and that he would be her mate, that she must accept him as hers but Dihya had seen the brute they had chosen, his wicked, cruel nature made her gut twist in disgust, he took pleasure in torturing the females, scaring them and standing over them. Had she been a smaller female then she would get the same treatment, as it were she was the same size as him and met him head on in his battle for dominance, her face in a sneer when he got too close. He had a plan, that she knew, but just what that plan was? She wouldn’t find out until after the pits. As her mother predicted the brute did win, he was to take her as his mate and be the next in line for the throne as soon as her father passed.

Dihya watched him throughout their joining ceremony, her tail lashing in anger behind her when she saw the glint in his eye too late, they flickered to her father standing nearby and before she could react, he attacked, besting her ageing father in a battle he hadn’t even known about, so trusting was he in his packmates. Dihya leapt into action too late, the brute had won the battle and claimed the pack as his, driving out all of her father’s loyal subjects who had tried to aid him in his final moments, only Dihya would remain where she would become nothing but a breeding bitch, there for his every whim and pushing out cubs. No, she wouldn’t have it. In the dead of the night she escaped, her once proud pack whittled down to a few guards, no more than a nomad band ruled by a tyrant. The last she heard the pack had disbanded entirely, there were so few remaining and those who did remain were tortured mercilessly.

Dihya took to the lands she new well, the desert, she had travelled these dunes from she was just a cub at her father’s side, watching his every move and listening to his every teaching, they would aid her in these trying times. She garnered the title of “The lost desert princess” for only a few knew where she was, she would still make her presence known to the Ama pack, she was there for Thamani taking over as leader and had wished him and his family well, congratulating him and even entering some gossip with his sisters.

Random facts: Most of her jewellery was given by humans who she had helped return home, walking at their side to shade them or carry their children in her maw by their clothing on the way back to their village where she would wait on the outside for them to heal and be well before heading out once again. The jewels upon her head and on her nose ring are a symbol of her pack, a sign that she was once part of one and that she was one of the cubs. She also has a fascination with the Gods, Goddess’ and the Veil, wishing to know all about its existence and why it is the way that it is.

Stats: STR – 8 | RES – 6 | WIS – 5 | CHA – 3 | DEX – 8

Traits: Ears: R | Tails: R | Fangs: C | Size: L | Eyes: L

Alt Traits: Horns: N/A | Wings: N/A | Glowies: N/A | Feathers: N/A

God Trait(s): N/A

Mutation: N/A

Special Base: N/A