


3 years, 1 month ago


NUMBER (13) Owner: Shakko

Name: Hamish

God of: Courage and battle

Under: Deimos

Upload Date: March 18th, 2021

Gender: Male

Parents: Maia

Cubs: None (Very few are brave enough to try)

Abilities: He instils courage to those when they are in need, an example being those brave enough to sign up for the fighting pits, though the pits are for his brother he is there working in conjunction, giving them that which they seek to find before the enter. When battles strike you can often hear his snort as he comes to watch over those who are fighting, if not even at times lending them his strength as if he were also fighting in this battle.

Personality: This beast is not the warmest of hearts, his eyes may seem like they hold warmth but do not be deceived, he is cold hearted and one of the grouchier gods you may come across, he is moody and more likely to snort at you than actually answer a question. The only reason he may attend gatherings is because Deimos has told him it would be a good idea to go and mingle with the mortals. He generally tends to stay away from mortal affairs unless it comes to a battle, if one were to gather his attention with a battle he would be there to overlook it, a snort of approval to those with the courage to fight on and aiding them in his own way. He does, however, have a very short fuse and has little time for Arcana and his tricks, often chasing the trickster off with a shake of his horns and a stampede, if he dares chase him into Tempest’s domain you could even say he causes the thunder, though more for pissing off Tempest than anything.

History: Born from the first battle cry, Deimos and his brother Hamish came into this world during a scene that perhaps not many would like to be born in to. Hamish however riled in it, he adored it, letting it seep into his bones as he snorted his approval at what lay before him. This would land him as a lesser god under his brother for Deimos was able to control his emotions, unlike Hamish who changed emotions so quickly that it may give one whiplash. It would be discovered soon that the ones who could stop him from going mad were his creator, Maia and his brother, Deimos but the rest of the gods were perhaps fair game for the bull, so long as they didn’t poke at him too much.

Hamish has since grown into his role of watching over the mortals and aiding them with his ability though he tends to spend most of his time with Deimos, lying at his brother’s paws. It was he who drove the liothuna and those who had been scorned by humans to fight against them, his eyes narrowed in rage at what the humans would dare to do to a child of Maia, he gave each and every one of them his strength, so much so that it knocked him out for several days for he had many to fill with courage and will to battle but even he only had so much. When he came to the land had changed, the liothuna and glowing marked beasts were no more and the veil had been raised, he had of course asked Maia where they were and she had answered him honestly, she had saved the remaining liothuna and glowing marked children and was currently keeping them hidden within the veil. This appeased the bull who made his way back to Deimos, his head low as he still had very little energy to do much else. He was still able to carry out his duties as a God but it took many years for him to reach full strength once again, never has he had another blow out.

As the mortals accepted that the Gods were no longer with them, at least not as easily as they were before, they came to find rather… colourful ways to contact them and it did so amuse Hamish to no end. The veil was hard enough to get through as is but even then, he couldn’t help but toy with them some, he would never stop them in their quest but neither would he help them. It would be a number of years later before the veil was dropped and those who had been sharing space with the Gods were released once again, to a land where they would be safe, at least for the time being. It also meant that the Gods were able to take more directive approaches once again, like the old days but also not, his time behind the veil has made Hamish’s fuse worse, he solely blames Arcana for this, and the number of Gods and Goddesses they have lost has troubled him somewhat but he has vowed to do his best to stop their ranks from losing any more, he isn’t sure they could take another hit like as of recent.

Random facts: There are only two gods who can truly control this bull when he enters a rage, those being Maia and his brother, Deimos.

Stats: STR – 23 | RES – 18 | WIS – 18 | CHA – 18 | DEX – 18

Traits: Ears: C | Tails: UC | Fangs: C | Size: E | Eyes: L | Horns: R

Mutation: N/A

God Trait(s): Cloven Hooves