


3 years, 1 month ago



NUMBER (3) Owner: Shakko (Helper)

Name: Lana

Age: 4

Bloodline: N/A

Birthdate: August 18th, 2020

Upload Date: April 10th, 2021

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender: Female

Status: Lakatos

Parents: Lukan, Hoku, Koda (Adoptive), Anastasia (Adoptive)

Cubs: N/A

Personality: Although still very much the mute of the family, Lana has gotten more protective as she has gotten older, bolder in her actions and how she communicates with others. Her selective mutism has morphed into being totally mute and she instead relies on her body signals to interact with others, this has led to her being quite pushy. She is easily irritated when someone doesn’t catch on to what she is trying to tell them and this just increases tenfold with Lakatos as he purposefully ignores her to get a reaction out of the female.

History: Lana grew in the rather strange set up to some of having multiple mothers and one father, this didn’t bother her however as it was what she was used to and enjoyed nothing more than playing with her siblings and scaring the life out of her poor mother, she never questioned why she and her siblings looked nothing like those around them apart from her mother, Hoku, and instead simply settled on living her life to the fullest. As she grew older she felt the need to travel more and more outside of the territory where she had grown up, she started off slow but eventually started to travel greater distances, it would be here that she would meet Lakatos.

It had been one of her more peaceful outings, she lay proudly in the grass, her ears flicking as she enjoyed the sounds of the birds calling and the water rushing nearby, not once was she expecting to get trampled as suddenly there was a great weight atop her back and she felt herself being forcibly moved. Her growl of anger and flash in her eyes pushed the female into a quick stand before headbutting the larger male, she could only imagine just how her face looked as her tail flicked in anger behind her, the obvious confusion written everywhere across the males face. She noted his lack of ears as hers flicked at all the sounds, her lips pulling back in a sneer as she stormed off, forcibly pushing the male with her shoulder and went back home. She grunted and grumbled the whole way home, no words forming but simply noises leaving her throat, when her mother tried to question just what was wrong Lana gave a snort and stalked into her den, still stewing over the orange brute who had so calmly walked all over her. She hoped that she might never see his face again, how wrong she was.

It couldn’t have been a week later when she found herself in the same area facing off against the same male, his stupid look annoyed her, his equally stupid face annoyed her more. She tried her best to ignore him every time he came around, she didn’t even know why she was going there in the first place but eventually that annoyance caused her to act, one day she charged him with her head lowered, her horns present. He was quick to block with his own and then they were locked, he was silent in their exchange, the only sound was that of the bone hitting bone of their horns before he eventually gave up and let her win. This should have appeased the female but it only served to piss her off more as she left him where he stood and a new ritual began. She would meet him in their spot, sometimes he would even meet her halfway, she would be the first to act and he would be on the defence, their strange, strange dance bringing something out in the female as it bloomed more and more each time their horns clashed together until the day it all became too much, he had looked at her after giving up in their fight and she had acted, running her roughened tongue over his snout. Embarrassment flooded her system at his dumbfounded look and she fled, she couldn’t see him with that look on his face, the look of rejection that she was certain would follow. She had been nothing but a bitch to him for no reason this entire time so… why did she lick him?

It took her such a long time that night to tell her mother what had happened in her own way, in fact it was Hoku who had encouraged her to go and wait for the male in the morning, only he could tell her how he truly felt, Lana didn’t want to believe her but she knew that she needed closure in some way. So when morning came she headed to their meeting spot, she waited for hours, had watched the sun as it travelled in the sky, this was near where they had first met, the water could be heard in the distance and even the birds were quieter than normal as she waited, her body taut, ready to bolt. This urge only worsened as she heard the sound of snapping twigs behind her, he wasn’t quiet in the slightest, she supposed his lack of ears had something to do with this as he had never spoken a word to her either. She lowered her head and turned her face away, she could already feel herself heating up in his presence, her muscles twitched with the urge to run as he drew ever closer until she felt him lower his muzzle to hers and his own, softer tongue brushed against her shorter snout before he situated himself in beside her, a soft rumble coming from his chest and drawing her closer until she was snuggling into his side, a much softer Lana than the one previously.

Random facts: Lana is always the one who initiates their fights, though now a days she will give in just to allow Lakatos to taste victory for but a moment.

Stats: STR – 4 | RES – 3 | WIS – 4 | CHA – 3 | DEX – 6

Traits: Ears: R | Tails: C | Fangs: C | Size: UC | Eyes: UC

Alt Traits: Horns: L | Wings: N/A | Glowies: N/A | Feathers: N/A

Sleeping Rot Traits: Mushrooms: N/A | Flowers: N/A | Plants: N/A | Branch Horns: N/A | Wooden Limbs: N/A

God Trait(s): N/A

Mutation: N/A

Special Base: N/A


Owner: Shakko (Helper)

Name: Lana

Birthdate: August 18th, 2020

Upload Date: August 18th, 2020

Parents: Lukan, Hoku, Koda (Adoptive), Anastasia (Adoptive)

Gender: Female

Favorite toy or game: Scaring the bejesus out of her mother by silently creeping up behind her before pouncing.

Personality: Socially awkward as she is, Lana is actually a very playful cub, she does tend to prefer a rougher form of play than perhaps other cubs, she has been known to knock them over before climbing on top and biting at their paws, chest, nose, ears, etc. She does, however, adore her siblings and her mother (when she isn’t trying to give her a heart attack) and happily makes little hums and squeaks to communicate with them.

Random facts: Lana suffers from selective mutism bordering on completely mute. She is also a granthera x granthrow hybrid

Stats: STR – 4 | RES – 3 | WIS – 4 | CHA – 3 | DEX – 6

Traits: Ears: R | Tails: C | Fangs: C | Size: UC | Eyes: UC | Horns: L | Wings: N/A

Mutation: N/A

Special Base: here N/A