


3 years, 4 months ago


NUMBER (14) Owner: Shakko (Helper)

Name: Nazira

Age: 5

Bloodline: N/A

Birthdate: April 28th

Upload Date: January 28th, 2021

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender: Female

Status: N/A

Parents: N/A (Adopt)

Cubs: N/A

Personality: Big, bold and beautiful, this vibrant female has a very outgoing personality and isn’t afraid to let herself known. She’s confident and spunky with a sharp tongue to boot, how Nazira came to be this way you might ask? Well she spent some time with Nereus of course, absorbing his confident energy. Nothing ever became of them and she looks to him as more of a big brother but where once she was shy and tried to hide now she puts herself out there.

History: Nazira is perhaps the strangest of kerual’s, her bold colours make it harder for her to camouflage and she often found it hard to hunt, her father is who she took after with her mother’s soft yellow mane and tail but as her mother was the main provider for their family she never did learn how to hunt from her father. She took to trying to teach herself how to hunt and it was during one of those days that she wound up in a human trap, captured and unable to get out. The fearful kerual did her best to bite the bars but she wasn’t going anywhere until they came, carrying her back to the village.

She spent a year in the village, the humans treated her fairly well but she had spent three years in the wild, she couldn’t be tamed and though they adorned her with jewels that hung from the ears, a feather in her braid and a strange band around her hind leg she didn’t feel comfortable. Their gifts did little to ease her and she was kept locked up in a building, unable to escape. Even so, she did not bite anyone, she allowed the children to crawl all over her, to braid her mane and tail and was basically the perfect pet… but then her opportunity came. One of the youngest had opened the door without first placing the leather strap around her neck and Nazira took off out the door, back to the wilds from whence she had came. Her first stop was to her previous home but another family had set up a home, her parents having moved on after the loss of their daughter and Nazira was left on her own, unable and afraid to do anything. It was during such a time when the giant liothuna came upon her, looking down at the smaller kerual and asking just what was wrong.

Nereus was more than willing to take the young kerual under his paw so to speak and the pair travelled together for some time with Nazira picking up and little tips and tricks he had to offer to help her survive, his confidence seeping through and soon one would have thought she was the giant in the land, not even the largest of beasts scared her as she strutted herself through the forest, oozing confidence. She came to love Nereus like family, an older brother who did what he could to protect his little sister, even if she does pull on his long ears every chance she gets. She was one of the first to meet his mate when he reconnected with her, leading her into the den to introduce his children and face of the female who won his heart.

Random facts: Nazira still holds on to the trinkets she got when she had been held captive by the humans, they each hold a meaning and perhaps show that not all humans are bad, she just wouldn’t trust them.

Stats: STR – 2 | RES – 2 | WIS – 5 | CHA – 5 | DEX – 6

Traits: Ears: R | Tails: UC | Fangs: C | Size: C | Eyes: C

Alt Traits: Horns: N/A | Wings: N/A | Glowies: N/A | Feathers: N/A

God Trait(s): N/A

Mutation: N/A

Special Base: N/A