


3 years, 1 month ago


NUMBER (3) Owner: Shakko (Helper)

Name: Rogue

Age: 8

Birthdate: January 27th, 2020

Upload Date: September 27th, 2020

Sexuality: Bisexual

Gender: Female

Status: Single

Parents: N/A (adopt)

Cubs: N/A

Personality: Rogue is very much a loner, she doesn’t go out of her way to interact with others and tends to give off a permanent pissed off vibe, she will very happily stare you down before going off about her day. However, Rogue does have a gentle side not seen by many, a side where she will happily cuddle up to another though she will deny it whole heartedly when it is brought up again.

History: Rogue considers herself to be very private about her personal life but one might just call it a decent life, she had a father who loved her and a mother who was quite aloof but still came to visit. It was this that was the problem, perhaps if she had been around more Rogue might not have grown to be such a loner, much like her father. When she came of age she left her home and started to travel, never really settling down in one place for too long.

Random facts: Rogue has a massive soft spot for kids and speaks with a Mississipian tang.

Stats: STR – 7 | RES – 8 | WIS – 6 | CHA – 3 | DEX – 6

Traits: Ears: R | Tails: UC | Fangs: C | Size: UC | Eyes: L | Horns: UC | Wings: N/A

Mutation: N/A

Special Base: N/A