


3 years, 1 month ago


NUMBER (8) Owner: Shakko (Helper)

Name: Stoick

Age: 10

Birthdate: February 22nd, 2020

Upload Date: December 22nd, 2020

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Male

Status: Unmated

Parents: N/A (Adopt)

Cubs: N/A

Personality: Stoick is generally a very brave liothuna, before the incident with the humans and the liothuna being brought into the veil he took pride in his job under Sarkan and felt like the weight of the world was upon his shoulders, he was ready to tackle anything the world threw at him. He was stubborn to a tee and though he and Sarkan may have butted heads every now and again he would have laid down his life for the male, thinking of him as something akin to a brother. When the humans attacked Stoick did everything in his power to try and save those he could, his battle worn body doing its best but eventually he too fell. It was only the kindness of a giant in his pride that he survived and when the veil was raised and his kind were sent there to stay did he feel nothing at all. When the veil dropped Stoick was a different male, perhaps not so much in looks but his personality took a hit. He could still feel the humans stabbing him with their spears and has garnered a fear of them, though he will try to play it off as something else entirely.

History: Before the veil was raised Stoick lived in a sort of peace, he would watch from the edges of the pride in which he resided, ruled under the paw of Sarkan and though the brutes often tested one another he was happy to call Sarkan his leader. He went into many battles at the brutes side and when he was half blinded it took the effort of most of the pride to get him to spend even a day in the den, wanting to get back out and to his post.

Their home was mostly at peace until they came. Hunting packs were coming back with less members, those on patrol were never seen of again, their scents hung heavy in the air… humans. Sarkan took one of his dearest friends along with him to the royal pack, their bond would allow them to gather more to help stop the humans from attacking and remind them of their place in the food chain. Though it was like the humans knew, Sarkan couldn’t have been gone more than two days when they came in the dead of night, the cries from the young and females as their dens were raided. Stoick gathered the rest of the guards and fought back as hard as they could, ready to die for the pride. He briefly caught a glimpse of some humans entering the nursery and couldn’t help the smirk that graced his maw as he heard the deafening roar of the giant who was their protector, a massive brute who was usually a gentle giant turning into a force to be reckoned with, no, they would not have an easy time with the youngsters. Stoick turned his attention to the humans in front of him and began to lead the charge, taking down as many as he could and refusing to give up the fight.

The battle continued for several days and nights with little to no respite, the humans seemed to be an endless source of fodder and Stoick along with the rest of the guards were getting slower, tiredness starting to kick in as they struggled to stay awake. It was sheer stubbornness that Stoick refused to close his tired, half lidded eyes, his gaze beginning to blur but still he attacked sluggishly at the human before him, missing and falling flat on his side, he could feel the burning sensation as the humans spear made contact and cut his flesh leaving him now with a scar on his lower back. He wouldn’t feel fear, he refused to as his blurry gaze darted around the humans, a growl low in his throat as a warning to back off, he wasn’t finished yet. His growl was backed up by a roar of the giant protector, his dark frame covering the large brute and being just enough to scare off the humans as they had seen first hand what had happened to their comrades who had faced the beast. Stoick didn’t even fight it as he felt teeth between his shoulder blades and the sensation of being dragged away. His falling had been enough for those who were still standing to run, his pride mates so few and far between, most of them lying on the ground before him, those who hadn’t yet died but were dying were calling out for their loved ones but not getting a reply. The humans cheered and raised their weapons, clearly proud by what they had accomplished this day and it was when he saw the knife coming out, one of Sarkan’s grandcubs in the other hand and the slice that Stoick felt his eyes well up with tears, could feel the dampness where the giant behind him was also mourning just what they were doing. These cubs glowed, their markings so beautiful and yet now were being removed from their lifeless bodies. It was the last thing that Stoick would see for 200 years.

When the liothuna were brought back from beyond the veil Stoick was filled with a sort of confusion, he was on his own for a start, something he hadn’t been for a very long time, and the place where he awoke was not somewhere he was familiar with. He panicked, something unusual for the normally steady headed brute, and found himself going around in circles, unable to make head nor tails of the land in which he was placed. He could only remember brief glimpses of the life he had led before, the orange beast in which he was ruled by and the humans. Something about them gave him a cold chill that ran straight down his spine, his scar at his lower back twitching instinctively out of muscle memory. He now wanders in search of those he knew in a past life, hoping to one day come across them again.

Random facts: Stoick has developed a fear of humans since he returned from the veil, where once he fought them bravely he now freezes up at the very sight of them and tends to give them a wide berth.

Voice Actor: Gerard Butler – Stoick the Vast

Stats: STR – 15 | RES – 15 | WIS – 9 | CHA – 7 | DEX – 9

Traits: Ears: R | Tails: L | Fangs: L | Size: L | Eyes: UC | Horns: R | Wings: N/A

Mutation: Piebald, blind in one eye

Special Base: N/A