Reed's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Don’t change design please!

poisonouz_peachpop Global Rules


awuu or any of their associates
Steeeepas-has stolen/is stealing characters and is impersonating another person

Design T.O.S:

By owning a design by me, no matter the way it was obtained[sale, trade, gift ect.] you agree to all of the terms and conditions written here.

Turning any of my art or a design by me into an NFT will get you blacklisted.

Owning a design by me gives you commercial use rights to the design. However i still own the rights to the artwork i made of the design. This means you may not use the art i made for anything with the intent of making profit, unless you have contacted me and payed a fee.

You may edit my art(of a design) for the purposes of personal use, only if i still receive the proper credits for my work AND the original work is still publicly available to be seen and has not been hidden in any way or deleted. By edit i am referring to any alterations to my work, be they major or minor. Ex: Adding a filter to my art. Redrawing a part of the work for the purpose of altering the design. Changing the hue of a piece. Ect.

You may alter the designs of any of my customs or adopts in any manner. But do not add yourself as a creator of the design, even if you redesign the character.

Do not sell my designs for a higher price than you got them. Unless there's extra art. Extra art adds value in the following ways:
If the piece was commissioned for a real life currency.
If the art was made as a personal piece.
If the art was apart of a trade or as a payment for any kind of product or service.

You may sell my designs for any other currencies[virtual and real] as long as the price is converted from the original and isn't any higher than it's supposed to be.

If a design by me has not been hidden, i will check up on it from time to time. I simply like to see what people do with my designs ^^
I don't judge what you do with my designs, as long as you're not breaking any rules or doing anything illegal. I might even draw some gift art for you! 
