🦅 Cipher 🦅's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

AvianAutopsy Global Rules

Please read my TOS before buying/bidding on adopts

Incase the link is broken, the TOS is listed below:

  • You must be 18 or older to order a commission
  • If you're under 18 please get someone who is 18+ to commission me on behalf of you. All communication must be done though someone who is 18+
  • All payments must be sent in GBP through a bank transfer or through Wise (formerly called TransferWise)
  • All design sales are for personal/private use only
  • Once the designs is paid for you own the rights to the design
  • Any future changes to the design are allowed after the commission is compleated/adopt is bought
  • Once a design is sold I still retain legal rights to my art (not the character/design) and have the right to use it (and any WIPs of the art) in my portfolio and post to my online accounts
  • Designs can only be resold for the same price you paid for them - they can only be resold for more if they come with additional art
  • You are not allowed to make a closed/open species with my designs after buying them
  • You are not allowed to use my designs as MYOs for closed/open species after buying them
  • You are not allowed to edit my art (eg. drawing over, changing colours/saturation ect.) but annotations and text are ok
  • Once I have received the full payment you are allowed to repost the design on your account as long as my signature/watermark remains intact and credit is given
  • After a design is bought from me I will not deal with ownership/sale/trade disputes between other users
  • I have no association to the owner and/or work the design is used in unless I state otherwise
  • I do not automatically condone/support what the design is used for by the owner
  • If I find a character I have designed being used in subjects I do not want to be associated with in any way (eg. hate speech, zoophilia, NSFW  involving minors...) you will be blacklisted with no warning
  • Design can not be made or used for anything related to NFTs / crypto / blockchain techology
  • If a design is used as an NFT I have the right to revoke ownership and resell the character
    (this is the only circumstance I will ever do this)
  • I have the right to refuse a sale and not give a reason

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.