


3 years, 27 days ago


Name: Sunshine

Height: Titan Sized (slightly taller than Omega Supreme) (has a smaller body they can go into that's slightly taller than Optimus Prime)

Age: 13 Million+ years

Allegiance: Autobots


Alternate Mode: a UFO

Weapons:  their little antenna act as laser shooters, and has many onboard canons


  • Flight (robot and alt mode)
  • Light Manipulation
    • Light Creation
    • Invisibility
    • Light absorption 

Sexuality: Asexual Panromantic

Backstory: Sunshine was created by Alpha Trion, Alpha Trion was testing to see if he could create a build that could run off of not only energon but also Solar Energy, and the end result was Sunshine! Sunshine can absorb solar energy and light and use it if their energon stores run out, and it can also be used by them as a weapon if needed. 

Alpha Trion adopted Sunshine as his sparkling, teaching them all about Cybertron and its history and customs. 

Not long after Sunshine was brought online, Alpha Trions' sparkmate, Beta, had big news, she was Carrying! and Sunshine would be an older sibling! Sunshine was very excited, asking all sorts of questions about the sparkling and making little gifts for the sparkling when it was here. Soon the sparkling was born, small but healthy, and designated as Orion Pax. Sunshine was very happy to be an older sibling, playing with Orion Pax whenever they could. 

Years passed and the two grew up together amazingly, always looking out for one another. When Orion introduced Sunshine to Ariel and Dion, they also became quick friends. 

Things weren't meant to last however, Alpha Trion saw the beginnings of the war and knew he had to protect his family somehow. He instructed Sunshine to fly him to a far-off old outpost on a forgotten planet, he informed Sunshine to stay there and that he would come back for them soon. Alpha Trion left in an escape ship, and Sunshine was left all alone on the little planet.

for 13 million years.

Sunshine didn't know about the war, didn't know about their little brother nearly dying and then being remade, didn't know about the Decepticons, didn't know about Hot Rod or Rodimus Prime, didn't know about the war ending, didn't know anything that was going on on Cybertron or Earth. They were simply still waiting for Alpha Trion to come back.  It wasn't until a live video message came up on an old monitor that Sunshine learned about Optimus Prime and his sparkmate Elita-1. All from some bot named Rodimus Prime, what were they just handing out Primes nowadays? Sunshine was shocked, that Optimus looked familiar, it wasn't until Rodimus stated that Alpha Trion was Optimus' creator that Sunshine's suspicions were confirmed, that was Orion Pax, their little brother.

Sunshine decided it was time to go back home, and off they took to space to go back to Cybertron to find out what was going on.

Sunshine's landing on Cybertron caused quite a commotion, as many didn't know who they even were, and their presence was immediately reported to Optimus Prime, who came quite quickly after being told a "large yellow UFO was demanding to know where Orion Pax was", he knew who it was.

their reunion was a bit of a rocky one, as Sunshine was still extremely upset about being left behind for all those years, and Optimus had to explain he figured Sunshine had been offline and gone for all those years when he couldn't find them when he returned.  Things smoothed out as they talked, the two of them had missed each other all those years and overall they were just happy to be back together.