Basic Info




Human (Demigod)


The Paradox Society


Despite her friendly disposition, Brim is an absolute mystery. No one knows her true name, where she came from, or how old she is; just that she is incapable of dying. Brim founded The Paradox Society several centuries ago to protect humans and paranormal entities from destroying each other. The organization and its patrons are kept secret from normal human society in order to keep peace.

Brim was born in ancient pompeii by the name Aurelia. The day before Mt. Vesuvius errupted, she was kidnapped by cultists to be sacrificed. When her throat was slit upon the altar, and she died, she had a vision of two figures: one in a black cloak, and the other with long white hair. As the cloaked one approached Aurelia, the white haired one stopped them, whispered something, and the cloaked one stepped aside. The one with white hair walked up to Aurelia, said something in an unknown language, and leaned down to plant a kiss on her forehead.

Aurelia woke up with the front of her hair turned white, and a scar on her neck. Chaos had long since erupted in the city, and as a wave of pyroclastic flow barreled toward her, Aurelia couldn't help but think that she was revived only to die a second painful death. She was knocked unconscious by the wave, only to wake up later and see that she somehow survived.

Sometime around 1100, Brim met Mateo, a changeling (fae child swapped with a human child) and they quickly became friends. Mateo helped Brim start The Paradox Society, though he wants little involvement as a founder and primarily hangs around Brim as her closest friend. At some point Brim relinquishes her role as the leader of the organization and sets the council as the leading force. She has a position on the council, but no longer has any more say than the other members.

She chose the codename "Brimstone" as a reference to the day she "died".

Random note: Brim and Mateo have liked each other for a little less than a thousand years, but neither confesses. It isn't until one of the society's anniversary celebrations that anything beyond platonic happens. They've gotten drunk together many times before (they've known each other for hundreds of years!), but while drunk at the celebration they sneak off to an empty hallway and make out and things go from there.

Oh, also Brim has the ability to manipulate the flow of time, though it took her a lot of time to realize it and train. While Brim (Aurelia) lived with her human mother, she never met her father. It turns out that the goddess of time, Tidae, had fallen for the mortal woman. She disguised herself as a Roman man in order to pursue a relationship with her, but when Aurelia was born Tidae left (but still watched over her lover and child so that they wouldn't suffer needlessly). Tidae was "the one with long white hair" that Aurelia had seen upon her death, and with her own godly parent's blessing she was turned immortal and her ability to manipulate time was awakened.

Name: Aurelia

Alias/Nickname: Brimstone, Brim

Pronouns: she/her

Appearance: Caucasian, young adult, a scar across her neck (fairly faded from time)

  • Hair: Usually straightened (naturally curly), shoulder length, mostly black with white front hair/bangs/eyebrows
  • Eyes: Gold
  • Clothes: Usually wears a white blouse, frilled ascot (white), black blazer, white gloves, black pencil skirt, dark tights, black dress shoes
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good