


3 years, 27 days ago


Name: Branchpaw

Prefix: Branch - His main colors are like a tree branch

Suffix: Paw - he's an apprentice

Previous Names: Branchkit

Age: 7 Moons

Gender: Male

Breed: Pixie-Bob

Accessories: N/A


+ Loyal - Branchpaw is extremely loyal to his clan and to his friends. Anyone who has a good impact on Branchpaw's life can count on him.

+ Compassionate - Branchpaw cares a lot for others, and will always extend a helping hand or an ear to those that need it.

= Protective - Anything that Branchpaw feels is his, whether it be his clan or his stuff, Branchpaw will protect from others. This is good when others need protecting, but can cause issues if someone claims something that Banchpaw sees as his.

- Clumsy - Branchpaw isn't the best with working his body yet, and will often accidentally break things. With his short tail, he lacks some of the balance most cats have, and often falls down when making sharp turns when attempting to jump on a higher surface.

- Submissive - Branchpaw feels a great debt to Plainclan bringing him in, and thus will do anything anyone from his clan tells him.


Kithood: Originally, Branchkit was born to feral cats living just outside of the Plainclan's territory. Tragedy struck when a hungry coyote decided to take Branchkit's parents for food, killing them both. Branchkit had luckily been hidden by his parents, but was left alone mewling. His cries were heard by a Plainclan border patrol who found him and saw the lack of parents the kit had. Out of pity and empathy, the patrol took him back to the clan. It was decided he could stay and become a clan member, and was given the name Branchkit for his coloring.

Apprenticeship: Once coming of age, Branchkit was appointed to become an apprentice and was given the new name of Branchpaw, signifying his apprenticeship status. He hasn't been an apprentice for very long, but he is determined to do the best he can. He had heard of the story about being found with no parents and the scent of a coyote around, so Branchpaw wants to become a warrior who will protect his clan from dangers like that. With his larger than average size for his age, Branchpaw shows good promise to be a good warrior.