$20+ customs (open)



3 years, 4 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Sale (Virtual Currency)
For Trade
For Offer
$1 - $10


Zukeenee's Customs

Last Updated: 6/15/2023

(You can comment here, msg me here, or dm me on discord or twitter. Whatever is easier)
Discord: .Zuki_



 Payment is required upfront, via paypal or venmo.

Always credit my art/designs if reposting my work. Not necessary if just using the character!

!!NO NSFW!! Do not send NSFW refs, make NSFW requests, or try to engage in NSFW conversations.

Turnaround time VARIES, although typically ranges from 1-2 weeks.

Current Turnaround: 1-3 Days

This is due to personal life/school/work! However, you are always welcome to ask for updates!

♡ Refunds may be requested under the following circumstances:

- I reach out to commissioner and offer a refund due to personal circumstances.
- I have not shown any proof of progress within 1 week of commissioning if asked.
- I have not completed the commission within 1 month.

No hate speech, such as homophobia, racism, sexism, ableism etc,.

♡TOS Design Usage♡

Characters I create are strictly prohibited from being used in manner below.
After completion of the commission, I have the full right to retract character ownership and refund 
If the character I create for becomes associated with any of the following: 

-Hate speech including but not limited to homophobia, racism, ableism, sexism, xenophobia, islamophobia, etc,. 
-Sexual harassment, grooming, p*doph*lia, b*astiality,
-bullying, general harassment, etc

♡ Form: ♡

Please use this when ordering!
Regular or Chibi:
Name (Optional):
Colors (optional, can give general idea. ex: natural, pastel, etc):
Clothes? (yes or no, if yes, what kind?):
Style (optional, ex: grunge, cottagecore, etc):
Extra info (ie: moodboards, accessories, etc):
Total Price: 

Prices and Examples:

Small Customs: $20

Includes: Rights to character, one fullbody, one chibi (flipped for asymmetrical characters), 
color pallet, and optional accessories



Large Customs: $35

Includes: Rights to character, two fullbodies, one chibi OR Headshot(flipped for asymmetrical characters),
 option to choose format, option to add any and all accessories/interests/etc,
 color pallet, and basically anything else you'd like



Lineless Customs: $60

Includes: Rights to character, two fullbodies, one chibi OR Headshot(flipped for asymmetrical characters),
 option to choose format, option to add any and all accessories/interests/etc,
 color pallet, and basically anything else you'd like


(older art below)37448079_IcpdpS1426rrn9Z.png